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eihrul - sauer water

by _Fanatic on 06/09/2005 03:31, 9 messages, last message: 06/10/2005 05:36, 1790 views, last view: 04/29/2024 14:06

Aard suggested I ask you about the water in sauer.

I'm interested in doing stuff with water that would allow me to shape water, like a flowing waterfall, etc (e.g. push/pull the corners like a normal cube), and also to define a direction and speed for it to flow.

I think the current sauer water will only draw the water texture on the top of the defined water volume, but not the sides.

Is it possible to make it draw a water texture on the sides that touch open air, and on the harder side of it, can you make it to where I can shape the water and set a direction?

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#1: ..

by eihrul on 06/09/2005 06:37

Unfortunately that's a lot more difficult than it seems, since the material system currently fills all the empty space in a cube. If you wanted to be able to shape it, it would have to work the inverse way, water would have to either fill the non-empty space, or run over the surface of a cube. But, even then, the current water has no "direction" at all, it just moves up and down. So, I am basically not sure how to achieve all that.

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#2: Re: ..

by sinsky on 06/09/2005 14:52, refers to #1

I don't know anything about it but somehow the goal to be able to model entities within Sauer seems harder to me. I think mappers (and players respectively:) will benefit greatly if the engine allowed to apply distortion to such entities, once that feature is in.

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#3: ..

by _Fanatic on 06/09/2005 15:04

My original idea I posed to Aard off the forums was to make it so you can click on one or more cubes, and hit a key to turn them into water. Adjacent water cubes don't draw the water texture, only sides that are touching air.

This would allow us to deform/shape them like normal cubes, and the texture would be drawn on the sides for waterfalls. Maybe make it so the texture on the sides looks like flowing water too.

And would also be nice to have lava and acid/slime in addition to water as a liquid type. Or even better, a way to define what kind of liquid it is (e.g. define the color of the inner volume, the texture on the top/bottom and sides, and a possible damage amount and frequencey).

How bad would it be to do something like this, where you make one or more cube into a liquid, versus doing it the way it does now?

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#4: Re: ..

by Pxtl on 06/09/2005 15:24, refers to #3

I know we all like Cube's water, but I'd prefer if the graphics for water were worse if it would allow for more generic usefulness of the water (that is, can texture the water surface, can have walls/ceilings of water, etc.) I'm particularly thinking of how mappers could implement things like water falls, or the UT Pyramid "Hydrogen column".

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#5: Re: ..

by jean pierre on 06/09/2005 15:31, refers to #4

A particle entity should do it that shoots where your YAW placed it

Like you place a monster he looks where you look when you summoned him and so for the particle entity but shoots where you summoned it and your camera is looking at.

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#6: Re: ..

by shadow516 on 06/09/2005 23:57, refers to #3

Fanatic - The problem with this is that doing special cases would be easy (waterfalls), but doing regular cases would be hard (every surface touching the water would HAVE to be square).

In my opinion, the only solution for water that would please all parties would be to have a water entity. Water would flow from the entity, and follow all the regular laws of physics (follows gravity, speeds up, has inertia, etc). You could set the initial amount of water that would appear from the entity when the map loads (in cubic feet), and set the 'flow' of water that would appear as time passes (in cubic feet/sec). (It would be cool to have water that defies gravity too - goes up instead of down)

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#7: ..

by TOGoS_1u2kuhbui on 06/10/2005 03:36

Well, it would please all parties except for those that didn't own supercomputers :P FarCry had really nice waterfalls - I think they were basically just mapmodels with a moving texture.

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#8: Re: ..

by shadow516 on 06/10/2005 04:42, refers to #7

You would only have to calculate water movement once, like lightmaps. There would be a setting to turn water off so that downloads aren't huge. When you downloaded the map, you would calculate the water flow (and its effect on player movement) and save it.

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#9: ..

by _Fanatic on 06/10/2005 05:36

If ZDOOM and EDGE can do moving 3d water, I'm positive Sauer can too. :)

I don't see why it would be such a bad thing to do it like I'm dreaming of, where you use the technology behing editing existing cubes, and just make it so you can turn them into a liquid.

That would allow you to shape them however you want, it would handle textures on all sides, and you could easily add hot keys that tell the cube which direction the water flow should go in.

Granted I'm not coding it, but it seems like a logical step in the evolution of liquids, which everyone wants.

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