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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

debian package?

by earksiinni on 05/17/2005 01:31, 11 messages, last message: 05/17/2005 07:01, 1065 views, last view: 04/18/2024 23:00

hi everyone...would anyone be interested in a debian package of the cube client? i haven't been able to find any pre-packaged version, so i've decided to make my own and (maybe) submit it to the debian project to be included in the official distribution.

also, can anyone active in developing cube give me a list of cube's dependencies?

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#1: afaik

by pushplay on 05/17/2005 01:44


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#2: oops... so afaik:

by pushplay on 05/17/2005 01:44


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#3: Titles Make Me Hit Enter Too Soon

by pushplay on 05/17/2005 01:46

ahaha, that's hilarious. So anyways...


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#4: Dependency

by Sparr on 05/17/2005 01:49

also requires some sort of gl headers

good luck on the debian package, your biggest hurdle will be the problems with Cube not being a multi-user-aware program

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#5: er...what?

by earksiinni on 05/17/2005 02:08

uh, heh i must confess i'm new to creating packages.

Sparr, what do you mean by "not being a multi-user-aware program"? also, could you be a little more specific about the gl headers?

also, can anyone give minimum version numbers for the libraries?

finally, can i find this stuff out easily if i just download the source and at it myself =)?

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#6: fmod

by earksiinni on 05/17/2005 02:23

btw, i'm running cube with music and sounds on a debian system, but i don't have fmod. in fact, fmod isn't anywhere in the debian package archive. i also understand that fmod isn't opensource. are you sure that cube depends on it?

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#7: deps, package

by Sparr on 05/17/2005 03:49

i dont think it depends on fmod. not sure though.

as to the GL stuff, id suggest grepping the source for all the GL includes and making sure you 'depend' on packages that supply them.

the multi user thing... cube doesnt know about multiple users. its going to run the same autoexec.cfg for every gamer. i actually did a little trickery with my cube launch script to run user-specific configs, but its not perfectly secure. also, if the player doesnt have write access to the game directories (/ and /packages/* specifically) then they wont be able to download maps or take screenshots. this is a serious problem when it comes to debian. the optimal solution is to just install cube in the user's home directory, but debian packages apparently dont allow that.

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#8: home dirs, source code

by earksiinni on 05/17/2005 04:32

wow, that really IS a serious problem (the downloading maps/taking screenshots bit).

this might elicit an "ok then why don't you just go and code that", but i think the optimal solution would really be for cube's code itself to be changed to create .cube directories in each user's home dir. the .cube dir could store a personal copy of autoexec.cfg and additional maps. most programs and games, as i'm sure anyone who uses linux are aware of, have that kind of configuration scheme when multiple users are involved...

actually, i wouldn't mind changing the code myself a bit to that effect. i tried looking for the code on this site but i couldn't find it. could someone point me to the CVS or a recent snapshot tarball?

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#9: script

by earksiinni on 05/17/2005 04:40

Sparr, actually i'd be interested in that script and your insecure setup. do you think you could copy/paste the script here and tell me what you did to get it working?

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#10: Re: home dirs, source code

by Pxtl on 05/17/2005 06:36, refers to #8

I think the problem is that Cube is a win32 program based on open tools. Creating extra folders and nonsense like that is unnecessary in windows' unsorted, disorganised directory structure.

Actually, I'm quite disappointed that .deb packs cant be installed into home dirs.

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#11: ..

by Sparr on 05/17/2005 07:01

it is just as neccessary in windows. i use multi-user machines at work, and I am damn glad that kvirc (my IRC client) keeps its settings in "\Documents and Settings\Username\.kvirc\" (along with a slew of other programs that have gone to more sensible settings locations). Cube should do the same, in linux OR windows, just with slightly different directories.

as to the changes, its very easy... at the end of autoexec.cfg i put "exec /tmp/cuberc", then just before the end of the cube script i put "echo exec ~/.cuberc > /tmp/cuberc", and I put my custom config in ~/.cuberc. bash is nice enough to expand the ~ in the echo command so when the game does 'exec /tmp/cuberc' it sees an instruction to do 'exec /home/sparr/.cuberc'.

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