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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube Dedicated Server Controls

by TuxBoy on 04/05/2005 16:10, 10 messages, last message: 04/07/2005 21:49, 1194 views, last view: 04/11/2024 01:28


At a LAN Party im going to host this upcoming weekend, we've decided to play some Cube. However, I haven't gotten around to figuring out how to setup a server properly for Cube. I have done a bit of research but haven't found much useful help. I am interested in just running a dedicated cube server on one of my FedoraCore3 (2.6.9-1.667) boxes. Is there a way I can setup a dedicated server on there so i can just set it up and forget about it? Like can it automatically rotate maps, etc... Whats the easiest way about setting up a cube server to run all day for a LAN party? Thanks. Or is there any utilities where I can control the cube server over the LAN, I know some games offer these web based utilities where u can control the server through your browser. Any help is appreciated.

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#1: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 04/05/2005 17:42

just run linux_server...
It will rotate maps automatically.
You can't really change config settings(game mode, maps etc) for a ded server, everything is done via voting ingame.

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#2: ..

by TuxBoy on 04/06/2005 00:06

Where is the file for altering the server information? I only see autoexec.cfg... is there any file to specify any server names or like time between map switch or anyhting like that. I keep looking on forums for like a primer and stuff on servers but havent found a definitve source yet. Also, is there a way to make linux_server launch immeaditely after I loginto GNOME and turn on the comp? I forgot how to make a binary run when u login on linux.

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#3: Re: ..

by makkE on 04/06/2005 00:35, refers to #2

Unfortunately there´s no such thing as a maprotation.cfg.

Maps will rotate within their menus (if you load a map from the "moremaps" menu, for example, the server will stay in and rotate that list.)

So if you want to control what maps are played (you probably want to run the best/most suited) you should make a custom menus.cfg and give it to every client. (with only one submenu for maps, that holds your desired ones)

If someone happens to vote another map than that, the mapcycle will be interrupted (probably staying on that map or whatever was defined as next map in it´s (that map´s)config.)

If you want to avoid that too, you might think about packaging a new zip with cube, holding only those maps you want and appropriate menus.cfg, and giving it everyone.

There´s no way though to control gamemodes, that´s up to votes...

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#4: Re: ..

by Pxtl on 04/06/2005 09:21, refers to #3

Actually, afaik, game modes aren't by vote - they're anarchistic. Anybody can change the game mode for the next map. Game mode is decided by the last person who set the game mode.

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#5: ..

by TuxBoy on 04/06/2005 15:09

In the menus.cfg I see


newmenu maps

genmapitems "metl3 ogrosupply powerplant mak1 mak2 douze kmap5 uf metl2 caged wandering"

menuitem "more maps (1) .." "showmenu moremaps"

menuitem "more maps (2) .." "showmenu evenmoremaps"

menuitem "more maps (3) .." "showmenu yetmoremaps"

newmenu moremaps

genmapitems "kmap3 kmap4 nudist q3dm2 biologie cellar b2k metl1 inkedskin gzdm1 aard3 tartech zippie spillway fsession 32"

newmenu evenmoremaps

genmapitems "minion1 infertile gdb1 aard1 aard2 kmap2 matador rpgcb01 ludm1 taurus ger1 dragon af kmap1 drianmp2"

newmenu yetmoremaps

genmapitems "style hylken5 gib aard1_remix artanis tongues plagiat thearit attacko metalv2 lbase fox darth templeofdespair"


so do I just add the map name to rotate to the map items thing? So when I run the linux_server or whaterver it will just automatically have 10 minute rounds or whatever and then keep going to different maps and so forth? Is that all that needs to be done? I sure wish there was a primer on this topic.

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#6: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 04/06/2005 17:25

Nope, you can't change the map order(like I said...).
That file is only to modify the ingame menus. If you add a map there, you will see that map when your in the map selection menu.

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#7: ..

by TuxBoy on 04/07/2005 02:55

Ok so I pretty just run the unix_server or whatever and let it go? Nothing else to do server side?

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#8: Re: ..

by Pxtl on 04/07/2005 04:48, refers to #7

That's the idea. Unless you want to password the server or otherwise do something to keep public players out. Switching maps, uploading new maps, and the like are all handled client side.

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#9: ..

by TuxBoy on 04/07/2005 12:55

May I ask what are the controls for controlling the maps and server things client side? Sorry only started playing cube recently.

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#10: ..

by TuxBoy on 04/07/2005 21:49


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