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Other opensource FPS?

by Skorbut on 03/28/2005 21:31, 54 messages, last message: 08/27/2005 03:19, 22084 views, last view: 05/18/2024 21:00

Hi all

Exists other serious opensource FPS than cube? And I don`t think on stuff with a extended quake engine or something like that. Or is cube the only serious one?? (and after much searching in the web, I think so)

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#1: Hmm

by Aardappel_ on 03/28/2005 21:47

I've never seen one. All ones I know are either heavily based on quake tech (i.e. use .bsp for the levels, meaning they rely on quake level editors and compilers, which is half of the engine already, effectively), or they are "engines" but aren't really feature complete to the point where they can run a game.

I think cube is the only engine that is both very feature complete and is based on an original/own engine design.

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#2: Half Life

by jean pierre on 03/29/2005 10:13

I dont have any FPS just Cube but halt life is said to be heavily opensourced but requires extreme knowledge to C++

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#3: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 03/29/2005 10:35

Nah Half-Life has only an SDK, where you can change the gamerules, you can hardly modify the engine itself.
Though I don't think there are many other commercial fps games where you can modify that much.

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#4: Re: ..

by Pxtl on 03/29/2005 20:12, refers to #3

That's a negative. There are many commercial FPS games that are opensource. Doom 2, Quake 1 and Quake 2 are all opensourced, as are both Freespace titles.

Besides that, many FPS titles have extremely open-ended SDKs. My fave example is the Unreal titles, where the engine is based on an incredibly powerful Java-like language. Apparently Unreal Engine 3 is taking the next leap, switching the scripting over to graphical programming.

IMHO, Half-Life's moddability is nothing compared to Unreal - the popularity of Half-Life modding comes from Valve's cultivation of its modders and the success of CS and TFC. The merits are social, not technical.

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#5: The only original is Cube

by D.plomat on 03/30/2005 10:06

There are many open source FPS but as you said they're always based on existing (often old) engines and most often not as complete as Cube.

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#6: Re: The only original is Cube

by D.plomat on 03/30/2005 10:11, refers to #5

and forgot to mention it also has the largest community of player and mappers in open-source FPS

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#7: Re: The only original is Cube

by Pxtl on 03/30/2005 21:20, refers to #5

Nonsense - I've seen a couple that, by virtue of Quake 2's features, could easily be said to be at least as complete as Cube. Consider that Cube lacks all the in-game options needed to properly let a n00b play, and the single player mode is simply loading instant missions. Compare this to, say, Alien Arena (a sort of Mars Attacks Quake 2 game) or ltktbm (action Quake 2 forked into its own game) which have all of Quake 2's features, plus a nifty server browser and enhanced graphics.

Cube is not the most complete game - it is one of the more popular opensource FPS titles, and it is the only decent _from scratch_ opensource FPS title, but it is not the most complete.

Oh, I almost forgot:
fight win prevail - an opensource FPS from scratch.

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#8: Re: The only original is Cube

by Aardappel_ on 03/30/2005 22:08, refers to #7

err... all those "games" are based on a quake engine, which is entirely my point. Making a game based on quake is terribly easy compared to making it from scratch.

And fightwinprevail.. looking at the screenshots I wouldn't be very suprised if it uses quake bsps.. it says nothing about tech on their page, which is suspect :)

"single player mode is simply loading instant missions".. Huh? You realize that the only feature that quake has above cube in this respect is that it saves how much ammo/health etc you have and sets that at the start of the next level? Not having that in Cube is a conscious decision, I like to be able to play maps seperately and see how I do, and map balancing is much harder if people can come in with random amounts of ammo.

The point is, there is no game/engine combination that is not either based on existing tech (like quake) or just doesn't really have a game. Maybe crystal space qualifies, as I think someone tried to make an MMO based on that. But from what I can see it is not as complete.

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#9: Re: The only original is Cube

by Pxtl on 03/31/2005 02:10, refers to #8

Aard, you misunderstand - I was just arguing D.Plomat's point. He was saying that Cube is pretty much the only serious opensource FPS project, which I don't think is fair. I'm not arguing that Cube is the best from-scratch FPS (and you're quite right about FightWinPrevail, it probably is Quake based - its just that usually Quake-based games advertise that as a feature), but I think that, compared to the Quake ports, the title of "most complete" is too quickly given.

And yes, there are a ton of things that would make Cube more complete. The fact is that, for a "complete" game, players expect things - like configuration to occur in-game (not in config files) and yes, they do expect some sort of cohesive single-player campaign (even if its just a ladder).

Yes, Cube has pieces of all of those features, and really I agree it doesn't need anymore than that, I just think that calling it a "the most complete opensource game" is jumping to conclusions.

I'm not trying to slight Cube as a project - I realise that it stands alone as an achievement for being made from scratch (not to mention the impressive level editor). I just think that too many people on this forum assume that Cube is the only thing in the opensource world for FPS games.

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#10: Re: The only original is Cube

by D.plomat on 04/01/2005 19:21, refers to #9

Well, i didn't said it's the most complete opensource FPS, just that it's the most complete opensource FPS with its own engine, and it's the one that has a community that the most similar to commercial games.

I also tested many other free FPS:
-FWP, interesting but still in early development.
-Transfusion, i like this one, the single-player campaign still isn't implemented, but as it's a Blood remake, it'll be like the commercial game, but it's based on Quake engine (i don't say this is bad, just that the goal of the authors was making a Blood remake, not making a new game+engine from scratch). Still it's fun too on a small LAN with some bots.
-Legends, a Tribes remake, . Multiplayer works well on a LAN, however without bots and single-player it's use only use is when i have lot of friends at home.(i don't like very much 1on1)
-And the Ogre engine looks promising too, but it's only an engine, no one still made a complete FPS engine with it.

I think Cube gots the highest efficiency per line of code, if it was a commercial game i would even say it also has many "strategic" advantages:
-very portable code and not too rough on hardware requirements(including internet connection speed), so the audience is maximized.
-use of very standard formats (sometime older like md2 models) => Tools and techniques(docs or tutorials) for generating contents are available to anyone willing to acquire the skills. This, plus it's unique map editor make it very interesting for contributors.
-the clean and human-sized code for people who like to read or play with source code :)
-the server with very low CPU/disk space/memory/bandwidth requirements and trivial setup so there can be many public servers available.

I still don't know of an opensource FPS with it's own engine that comes to the same "playability" in all circumstances (SP, LAN, Internet), not speaking about the amount of content+artwork, the player base and the public servers.

I'm not saying other opensource FPS sucks, they only have different design (and hopefully not all games have the same design and there's diversity), but they aren't mature to the point that they're trivial to install, connect and play, like in a commercial game.

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#11: ..

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 04/05/2005 06:09

Actually that fightwinprevail thing looks frightenly similar to cube... look at the lines in the levels, no bridge structures (many, anyway), the unit size seems the same...


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#12: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 04/05/2005 09:30, refers to #11

Seeing the maps, i think it's probably more similar to Quake engine than landscape engine

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#13: ..

by jean pierre on 04/05/2005 16:54

What landscape engine are you refering too?

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#14: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 04/07/2005 09:20, refers to #13

Well, there is one famous opensource landscape engine we all know... I suppose you know it too...

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#15: No not retribution engine

by jean pierre on 04/08/2005 14:57

That engine....not that bad becouse cameras and stuff but still suck

Altough i dont like half-life 2 and doom 3 cause they have a lack of features so to me they suck.

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#16: Re: No not retribution engine

by D.plomat on 04/08/2005 16:36, refers to #15


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#17: ..

by Minion...Seriously on 04/09/2005 14:07

I should note in reference to Ogre 3D, Ogre3D is just a rendering engine. It's not a game dev kit.

Crystal Space on the other hand IS a game dev kit.

Personally I'm a big fan of Ogre3D :O

As far as opensource games go Planeshift is at the top of my list. While it's not as "content complete" as Cube is, that's largely due to the complexity of the game.

Adding to the pile of opensource game engines I should note that Duke Nukem 3D was opensourced about 2 years ago, and just a week or so ago the source code to Shadow Warrior was released. They're both games based on the build engine.

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#18: Re: ..

by dcp on 04/09/2005 21:51, refers to #17

>>Duke Nukem 3D was opensourced about 2 years ago, and just a week or so ago the source code to Shadow Warrior was released<<

hey, so now we can hope for a gameboy advance version of it :-D

(DN3D has it's GBA version already) :-)

what about redneck rampage? lol...

yeeehaaa! leonhard? *sniff* over here! *burp*

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#19: Tribes

by Yin Starrunner on 04/10/2005 03:09

Tribes & tribes 2 are freeware

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#20: Re: Tribes

by D.plomat on 04/10/2005 03:20, refers to #19

Maybe, but freeware isn't opensource

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