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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube Legends

by tentus on 03/27/2005 05:45, 199 messages, last message: 04/29/2007 19:50, 131907 views, last view: 05/05/2024 20:51

This thread exists for discussion of my MOD, Cube Legends. This block of text introducing it is nonspecific so I'm not stuck with outdated or blatantly wrong information at the top of the thread.

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#161: ..

by makkE on 01/15/2006 16:18

Tentus, quick q2modeller question: Is there a way to make skins appear fullbright in the view(s), and does the texture update in the view when I work on uv´s in the skin editor?

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#162: Lot of Zelda stuff.Cool!

by Flynn Taggart on 01/15/2006 18:47

I see you used lots of Legend of Zelda elements like that slingshot,Link as enemy,those bombs and heart is inspired by Zelda games.Even 2 levels are from Ocarina of time and Majora's mask I think.That's so cool.

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#163: Re: ..

by tentus on 01/15/2006 19:08, refers to #161

i think the skin is updated on edit, yes. I'm not sure about lighting though. I personally just lay out my skin in the editor, take a screenshot, and then completely create the skin in photoshop, aligning the textures to the wireframe. Half the time I don't even need to take a screenshot, given the simplicity of my models :P

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#164: Re: Lot of Zelda stuff.Cool!

by CC_machine7 on 01/17/2006 23:25, refers to #162

it WAS originally called legend of zelda cube lol (loz-cube for short)

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#165: website edit.

by tentus on 01/18/2006 04:02

ok, so I'm sick of each page on the webpage requiring a ton of tables and such just to support the navigation bar on the left... and I don't want to use frames (i hate frames). No other good options are coming to me but to make a Flash animation, using the oldest version of Flash I can get away with (if I'm lucky we can use Flash 1). I realize that this can cause issues for some rare people, SO, what I'll also do is make a little link just above the flash which will open a new window containing the old sidebar. As you can imagine, this is an inelegant solution, but it will have to do. Besides, almost any graphical web browser can use flash nowadays. Sucks for people using Lynx, but that's how it is (why would someone be browsing my page if they're forced to use Lynx?)

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#166: Re: website edit.

by pushplay on 01/18/2006 05:23, refers to #165

If your problem is having to duplicate html on each webpage then there are atleast 50 different solutions to that. Take a look at php. For the love of FSM don't use flash.

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#167: Re: website edit.

by nieb on 01/18/2006 06:56, refers to #166

Try using a CMS,
...just to name a few.

I used Drupal for these sites.
http://www.quadropolis.us/ (Pxtl set this one up)

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#168: Re: website edit.

by tentus on 01/18/2006 15:21, refers to #166

why not? it's easily the most fun to develop for, and i really don't want to have to add anything to my server... I'm being hosted for free, just because John is a cool guy, and I don't want to have to abuse his generosity in any way.

However, I have talked to him and we do have php support. I'll look into learning enough php to make it work. Does anyone have a good link to where I can learn how to add in the sidebar and not much else? I already know enough C to read php fine, but I don't have time to cover the whole thing.

(and i was enjoying that flash too...) Doesn't the DI site use flash extensively?

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#169: ..

by >_< Sauceofallevils >_< on 01/18/2006 17:42

Well, I find xhtml pages to be real sharp. But if you want flash, then just have a flash version and a non flash version of the page. That way all users can be happy.

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#170: Re: website edit.

by nieb____ on 01/18/2006 20:15, refers to #168

make an html page with just your menu on it. then on your pages where you want the menu to be just put

<?include (\"menu.html\");?>

and make sure you name your pages, home.php downloads.php etc.

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#171: Re: website edit.

by tentus on 01/18/2006 22:03, refers to #170

shouldn't it be <?php include ("menu.html");?> ? i belive in the past I've read something about wanting the php in the opening tag to make it fully compatible....

so what you're suggesting is that I make all the pages php with the exception of the menu, which will just be a normal HTML document. ok, sounds like a good plan, i like how simple it sounds.

I should make a shirt that says
"simple is gooooooooood." or maybe a sound effect for cube. That could be fun :)


Totally unrelated question- I tried to emulate the sauer bit of code that finds model skins in the parent directories if the jpg isn't present. For some reason, it won't compile happily, because of 'ifnloaded'. I pulled out the unneeded png stuff to see if that helped, but no dice. The engine runs normally, but it won't find the parent jpeg, and just defaults to a blank grey skin.

Any suggestions? I tried moving the definition of ifnloaded around, but no dice.

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#172: ..

by nieb____ on 01/18/2006 22:12

Hmm...donno, I just use <?include ("menu.html");?>, and it works for me, guess either way would work.

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#173: Re: ..

by pushplay on 01/19/2006 01:35, refers to #172

<?php indicates php code follows, but not which version. You could get even more precise with <?php4 or <?php5. <? may or may not be official, but it'll work anyways. Just remember to throw that in a .php file so the php processor works on it. You'll notice this board is run on php.

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#174: ..

by nieb____ on 01/19/2006 07:11

Is the newest verion of CL avaible? I downloaded it and I think its older (doesn't have the logo etc.)

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#175: Re: ..

by tentus on 01/20/2006 02:11, refers to #174

i think the 11-11 release is just a little bit older than the logo. I planned to make a 12-25 release, but issue arose and it wasn't possible. The plan is now to get a release out somewhere in February.

just out of curiosity, does anyone know of a good way to set about making new game types? I've done a fair amount of reading in PCube and Quad, but i'm still coming short on my own attempts. Any pointers in this direction would be a good thing, maybe I can get CL to be a real mod that way.

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#176: Re: website edit.

by sinsky on 01/20/2006 14:51, refers to #166

I was wondering what kind of industrial miracle could FSM be so I looked it up:


P.S. tentus sorry for flaming your thread again.. hope you forgive me some day ;)

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#177: Re: website edit.

by tentus on 01/21/2006 13:01, refers to #176

heh heh. Thank you sinsky, that was singulary amusing. Though I am myself a practicing antiochian Orthodox, I find that trying to teach anything but evolution in schools is ridiculous. Most teachers add their own little "This is not nescessarily what you have to belive" speeches anyway.

anyone know how to write out a script that would play a .wav when the kill count is greater than a certain number?

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#178: ..

by loz-linuxizer on 01/28/2006 22:40

> anyone know how to write out a script that would play a .wav when the kill count is greater
> than a certain number?

Couldn't you go to monster.cpp and add something like this after line 557:

if (player1->frags == 10) playsound(S_DOMINATING);

And then add that sound to both cube.h (line 355ish) and sounds.cfg.

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#179: Re: ..

by tentus on 01/30/2006 02:37, refers to #178

tried that, haven't gotten it to work yet. I'll keep trying though, thanks.

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#180: ..

by tentus on 04/05/2006 23:07

I was planning to do a post-mortem release of CL on April 1st. Oh well, fuck that, I'm more than a bit repulsed by the idea now, because despite my efforts to contact authors or otherwise make my own darn content, it seems that the community has decided that standalones are the devil, and our best efforts cannot be up to the new permissions rules.

Passa, I'm talking to you- you have done nothing but make the situation worse. Not to say that I or Wasda isn't free of blame (we did take up the dark side of the flame war), but thatnks to your valiant efforts, making a mod is now a thoroughly unpleasant idea.

If I do make another CL mod, or another game using the Cube engine or Sauer, I certainly won't be mentioning it here. Not after the atmosphere has become so viperous. I'll need to make sure I remove all the content made by the community (not that much left in CL thoough... remove makkE, enigma, and Aard's textures, and I'm pretty much clean... oh and DCP's models). I'll take my website down in a few minutes.

It's really sad that things could go downhill so quickly. I've always had tremendous respect for Aard, eihrul, and makkE, but after the way that the community has become... it's really not worth it to spend any more energy here. I used to enjoy trying to help out with Sauer and cube. Oh well.

For the record-
I, Thomas Holden, aka Tentus, give explicit written permission to anyone and everyone to use any of my models, sounds, textures, or maps, in any way, whether it be commercial or otherwise, to redistribute, edit, modify, rename, or otherwise, on the single condition: I should never be contacted about this use unless it is in an enlightening or beneficial form. Should you use my content in an illegal form, I should never be aware of it, nor suffer any legal action becuase of it.

Try not to bad mouth me too much, now that I'm gone. Goodbye, thanks for all the fish.

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