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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube Video

by gubbi on 02/17/2005 17:42, 13 messages, last message: 03/22/2005 01:25, 1945 views, last view: 05/05/2024 02:00

I have found a first cube video on esl forum

its a trailer enjoy it :D


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#1: ..

by makkE on 02/17/2005 21:12

It ain´t the first one, there was another one before that (just a test/alpha, the author said) but nice anyways.


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#2: Re: ..

by tentus on 02/18/2005 06:01, refers to #1

i once made a movie from cube's skyboxes, for a stupid project we had to do in my graphic design class. damn state mandated curriculum. so this would be at least the third.

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#3: ..

by boeck on 02/21/2005 01:46

good to see it works :)

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#4: ..

by ... on 02/28/2005 02:52

id like to make a video but i cant seem to play the file after ive recorded

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#5: ..

by boeck on 03/03/2005 04:52

/demo demoname ??

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#6: ..

by kp on 03/12/2005 15:29

also, how then would you convert it from cdgz to mpeg ?

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#7: ..

by makkE on 03/12/2005 16:10

there´s no way to convert from cdgz to mpeg. The demo file only stores the info of where how and what happens, and cube "plays" that.
You have to have an external program, that can capture whatever is going on on the screen to avi.

See, folks, if ppl had refrained from opening 3 threads for all their video questions, all this info could have gone into one thread...

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#8: Re: ..

by sinsky on 03/14/2005 18:33, refers to #7

I think it's best to use a professional 3D package for making animation. May take a lot of time to learn but the results may be well worth the effort. I know it's not exactly an alternative to recording trailers. You set a scene and animate it, create/import models and graphics, try to make the final thing look cool.. The animation is rendered frame by frame, then the frames are compressed along with audio (if you make an audio channel) to form the final output. I'm not much into these things yet, so I won't recommend any software. Personally I want to learn Side Effects Software's Houdini and to use Rad Game Tools Bink video compression (it's good for compressing with DVD-like quality, yet has nothing to do with mpeg). You can use these applications non-commercially as long as you follow some restrictions (640x480 max resolution and a non-commercial watermark for Houdini; Bink, I think, is more liberal and allows commercial use as long as the logo displayed after animation playback stays intact). Commercial licenses for the software I mentioned begin from over $2000 so you might want to check that option out for now (unless you have that kind of money of course, but let me warn you - the bill may go well over $20000).

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#9: Re: ..

by makke_otherbox on 03/15/2005 01:57, refers to #8

well, of course some cube animated video would kick butt..
but it'd be a very ambitious thing (though bout it once too) you'd have to rebuild the maps, innit?

there's blender, so why bother bout paying these commercial programs ?

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#10: Re: ..

by sinsky on 03/15/2005 14:52, refers to #9

Well.. have you seen The Time Machine (2002)? Take for example the scene when you see seasons changing, vines growing, etc. This was done mainly with Houdini (using things like l-systems that are missing or abandoned in Blender). This is just an example, it's not why I want to learn the software.. the reason is much more simple - I just like playing with it, the look-and-feel, if I can call it that. Well probably I can't :) It's not a game and most people may find what I liked revolting. I don't know.

As for Cube and md2 in particular, I still need Blender to convert between file formats and do other neat stuff!

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#11: Re: ..

by whiz_kid220 on 03/19/2005 00:13, refers to #10

To record a game of Cube, I would download Camtasia (www.camtasia.com), and it will start recording the entire screen. After you're done, you will be able to save it as an .avi file.

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#12: ..

by torrf on 03/21/2005 18:57

or you take fraps is freeware + better performance

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#13: Re: ..

by tentus on 03/22/2005 01:25, refers to #12

i dunno, i didn't like fraps.

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