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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube OpenGL ES port (how to install)

by OC Noob on 02/14/2005 04:44, 8 messages, last message: 02/15/2005 19:47, 1387 views, last view: 04/10/2024 22:30

I\'ve tried DL\'ing the PPC OpenGL ES file, unzipping it and running the exe (cube.exe) file and it gives me a invalide file format error.

Does anyone know if I\'m installing incorrectly or if I need to flash to Dells latest ROM (haven\'t because I don\'t want to wipe my system) or what?

Any help is appreciated.

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#1: ..

by rsmith on 02/14/2005 06:53

Duh, it's an invalid file format because it runs on the Pocket PC only, not your home PC.

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#2: ..

by staffy2005 on 02/14/2005 09:37

just get a emulator if you wish to run it. the problem is that they are 200mb+

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#3: ..

by OC Noob on 02/15/2005 00:10

rsmith, you retard, I'm talking about a PPC. I wouldn't be flashing a Dell rom otherwise. If it were a Dell mobo then it wouldn't wipe the system so it can really only mean I'm talking about a Pocket PC.

Anyway, its an x50v and it won't run the cube.exe file. Anyone get it running on their x50v?

Like I said, I unzipped it and ran the exe (from the Dell). There is a new rom, but I don't think thats the problem.

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#4: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 02/15/2005 02:06, refers to #3

no idea.. it was practically made for the x50v, so... are you sure you are running the main exe, not the one in the win32 directory?

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#5: ..

by OC Noob on 02/15/2005 04:03

Yeah and I've tried it from an SD card and main memory, tried DL'ing it again and loading it on the x50v again to see if the file was bad, but that didn't work. I'm really not sure what else to try.

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#6: ..

by OC Noob on 02/15/2005 06:44

Not sure what was causing the problem, but I did a hard reset (not a rom flash though), put it back on the PPC, clicked cube.exe and away it went.

Beautiful game. A few tweaks to improve performance and options to control things like mouse sensitivity and this game will rock!

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#7: hm

by Pxtl on 02/15/2005 07:01

It may be different on the PPC, but mousesens options and the like should be in autoexec.cfg

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#8: Help

by jewelhux on 02/15/2005 19:47

I am not that experienced and I need help. I downloaded the OpenGL file to my computer. I extracted the files and then copied the folder to the SD card of my Dell X50v. When I click on the .exe file, my perspective changes briefly to landscape and then back to portrait but the game doesn\'t run. Do I need any other files? Any ideas?

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