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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Mod-fetching script

by loz-linuxizer on 02/03/2005 20:09, 6 messages, last message: 02/10/2005 19:04, 987 views, last view: 04/26/2024 07:32

Hello everyone,
With all these mods floating around, there's tons of maps and models floating around I doubt I'm alone wanting them all.
Now, my brother has downloaded tons of stuff and sorted it into various folders. While I don't mind a little downloading and sorting, I'm kind of a script-kiddie and would rather have a program do my dirty work for me!
I wondered if people hosting mods and the like would be willing to tell me the URI(s) of a /folder/ containing files needed for a mod? So an example would be a folder filled with all of DCPs fantastic mapmodesls is http://cube.dietmarpier.de/mapmodels/ (which gives the great 403).
Note that I have a solid 10 MBit connction (this summer that may become 100 MBit) (it's an OC-3 line run to my dorm at North Carolina State University), so I'll be more than happy to host all this stuff if mod-makers don't want a script leeching their bandwidth.
The idea is this: a bash script goes through all the package folders individually (say, /usr/local/games/cube/packages/), it then resolves a mirror and gets a file list from them (by entering and exiting http and/or ftp package directories with smart usage of the wget command), and then uses the compare or ls to determine what packages are on the server but not the local machine. Files not on the local machine can then get downloaded, unpacked, and sorted away in a logical manner.
So what does everybody think?! This could be extended to be a mechanism not only for downloading maps but also fetching things like Quad and Cube bot. I looked on this forum and google for something like this and found nothing. Plus I'd have probably heard of it if it's been done before. Please, any thoughts (or URIs...) post them!

Note: Sorry Win32 people...if Windows has a scripting language strong enough to do this I don't know about it and probably don't have the time to learn it. Best bet is to write your own *.exe file in C++.

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#1: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 02/03/2005 20:16

Its better to use rsync to use this; saves the scripting work and also available for windows. Don't ask me how to do it though :)

Though it should have options, I don't think everyone wants to download *everything*, more like every map, new models or my bots ;)

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#2: MinGW or Cygwin have a bash shell for windows

by D.plomat on 02/03/2005 20:20

And most of the usual Unix tools, wget etc... So porting this to windows will probably be easy

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#3: ..

by loz-linuxizer on 02/04/2005 04:15

Great ideas guys! Rather than write a script myself I am in the process of setting up my own rsync mirror right now. Give me the weekend and I should get it up and running! Very exciting stuff I must say.

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#4: ..

by loz-linuxizer on 02/04/2005 04:16

*correction: I'm setting up an rsync server, not mirror. If you would like to set up a mirror please tell me.

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#5: ..

by gonzo_again on 02/09/2005 20:31

is the server available now ?

and btw i didnt find win32 bins for rsync

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#6: ..

by loz-linuxizer on 02/10/2005 19:04

I haven't forgotted about it, but I haven't had time to make it work yet. It's reasonably administrator-friendly but I've gotten something wrong and it wants to open up an SSH shell.

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