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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

how do you bind a key to a certain fov, as a zoom feature

by josher32 on 12/27/2004 03:51, 6 messages, last message: 01/08/2005 15:17, 1060 views, last view: 04/30/2024 16:13

bind q (fov 65) doesn't work

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#1: Sigh

by pushplay on 12/27/2004 08:11

bind MOUSE2 "fov 50; sensitivity (- $sensitivity 1); onrelease [fov 100; sensitivity (+ $sensitivity 1)]";

Additionally, simple questions like this doesn't need a seperate thread, it should be asked in general. If you had bothered to work through the sheer complexity of the mysterious search function, you would already have the answer.

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#2: Thanks

by jpopop on 12/27/2004 22:20

thanks awesome program.

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#3: ..

by fresh corpse on 01/06/2005 01:51

I prefer this one:

alias o_fov $fov
alias o_sen $sensitivity
alias zoomlevel 3

alias zoom [
alias zfov (div $o_fov $zoomlevel)
alias zsen (div $o_sen (- $zoomlevel 1))
domodifier 1
sensitivity $zsen
fov $zfov
onrelease [
sensitivity $o_sen
fov $o_fov
bind MOUSE2 zoom

alias zfov 120
alias delta_game_1 [
alias zfov (+ $zfov (* $arg1 (div $zfov -5)))
if (< $zfov 10) [ alias zfov 10 ]
if (> $zfov 120) [ alias zfov 120 ]
fov $zfov

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#4: ..

by eZ-lokirulez on 01/08/2005 04:15

bind MOUSE2 [ fov 25; sensitivity 1.5; onrelease [ fov 110; sensitivity 3.0 ] ]

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#5: Note

by spentron on 01/08/2005 04:32

I have a nice autoexec including a versatile zoom feature, and editing functions, not up to the latest features but powerful. A quicker type of zoom function may be better for multiplayer, however.

Anyway, the file wasn't actually available from my main site since the server apparently didn't like "autoexec" in the filename ... I fixed it, see http://www.intergate.com/~spentron/cube/cube.html#autoexecs

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#6: ..

by Drakker_ on 01/08/2005 15:17

Here's mine:

alias zoomthingy [ alias prevzoom $fov ;
fov 25 ;
alias prevsens $sensitivity ;
sensitivity (div $prevsens 3) ;
onrelease [ fov $prevzoom ;
sensitivity $prevsens ]

bind mouse3 "zoomthingy"

Nothing is hard coded, so if someone else plays using your cube and say, changes the sensitivity, this script is able to cope with it. In theory you could also use a div on the fov, but I found it was going too far and is pretty useless, so its the only thing that's "hard coded".

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