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Probably been asked before....

by CodeRed on 12/18/2004 20:07, 10 messages, last message: 12/22/2004 23:27, 1397 views, last view: 04/25/2024 13:08

Well it probably has been asked before.. But I made a few models... and I wanted to add them to this Game, the problem is i have no clue how to do any coding, could someone just give me a fast quick tutorial that i can practise by!? I dont need a huge long one I just want to know how to get my models in the game..

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#1: Edit...

by CodeRed on 12/18/2004 20:11

Also what program should I use to make my models!?

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#2: type

by dcp on 12/18/2004 21:24

which type of models? mapmodels, weapon models or monsters?

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#3: Re: Edit...

by jcdpc nomocookie on 12/18/2004 21:51, refers to #1

1) make model (ms3d is good, also lithwrap for UV mapping, and The Gimp for skinning.) lets pretend the model is a statue of a walrus

2) put a folder in the packages/models directory and we will call it stonewalrus

3) Save the model as tris.md2 in the stonewalrus folder. Save the skin as skin.jpg in the stonewalrus folder. (to save as md2 in milkshape you will have to place a joint and click select unassigned and then assign them all to the joint)

4) now that you have your folder setup, go into the maps .cfg file (or defaultmapsettings.cfg if you want) add a line that looks like this
mapmodel 2 3 4 5 "walrus"

here is what all those numbers mean (copied from manual)

mapmodel R H Z S N

N is the name, R is the square radius, H the height, Z the initial Z-offset above ground, and S the snap value in 16ths of a cube unit (0 meaning no snap).

5) go to the menu .cfg and add a line like this

menuitem "atonewalrus" "newent mapmodel 24"

to figure out which number just see which is the highest number mapmodel so far and add one.

6) go to map, go to menu, add the model.

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#4: ..

by tentus on 12/19/2004 06:28

(i'm going to outline my methods the same way jcdpc has, so you can get two slightly different views with minmal effort)

1) I use Q2Modeller, a very simple and free program. It's not that great a skinner, but if you're clever you'll get by. I also use Photoshop for finishing the skins.

2) make folder in packages/models (lets call it penguin :) )

3) Save (as a .md2, mind you) your model in the folder 'penguin', calling the model itself "tris". Save the skin (which is done seperately) as skin.jpg, also in the penguin folder.

4) add a line to your map's cfg (it's advised against adding to your defaultmapsettings.cfg). the line should look something like this:

mapmodel "penguin" R H Z S //N

i don't know why jcdpc said the name goes last, it doesn't.
R= collision radius
H= collision height
Z= vertical starting position
S= Snap value (generally 0)
//N= number it is in list of mapmodels (to remind you later)

4b) If you plan on adding this model in frequently it may be worth making a shortcut to it in your autoexec. just add in:

alias penguin [ newent mapmodel N ]

that way you can simply type out ~penguin later (i think, i haven't done that in ages... i've got to many other things to do, i may be mistaken.)

5) while editing your map, type in ~newent mapmodel N (told you //N would be helpful) to make it appear in your map. if you really want to you can add it into the menus, but i never bother.

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#5: ..

by electris on 12/19/2004 08:25

I also created a player model of mine I would like to add in the game as well.

His name is hattytat. Hes around ~600 polies, and..

Though he is also designed to have a vwep support where he holds a weapon model(ir eocket launcher, chaingun, shotgun, snipergun, etc) in his hands.

I wonder if this will be possible in future releases.

here he is:

though he is not skinned or even animated to be in quake 2 yet. he needs a skeleton system.

I'll get to that soon.

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#6: Re: ..

by tentus on 12/20/2004 03:47, refers to #5

md2 does not support bones, though many editors use them to make modelling easier. The character you showed there looks to have a ridiculous number of triangles though, remember that md2 relies on triangles not polygons; I'd guess that you have a little less than 1200 triangles. You may want to severly cut down your number of vertices in favor of a more rough-hewn figure. Take a look at the ogro to see what I mean- in actuality it's a very rough model, it's only after it's skinned that it looks decent.

On a more positive note, it's cool to see someone makeing an effort. I've all but given up on my character model. Keep at it!

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#7: Re: ..

by CodeRed on 12/22/2004 20:30, refers to #6

Ok, well thanks for the help but...I want to add a weapon...thats my main problem..and i tried everything I thought might work, even making .pk3 files and adding them in various places....I need help with the weapon editing...

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#8: Re: Edit...

by shado\' on 12/22/2004 21:33, refers to #3

would u be willing to help me with a few models for my mod?
its paintball
email me for details

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#9: Re: Edit...

by CodeRed on 12/22/2004 22:51, refers to #8

Well its great that there are people who can relate to my problems...but my question still hasnt been answered.... :(

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#10: Re: Edit...

by tentus on 12/22/2004 23:27, refers to #9

As I've said, I use Q2Modeller. I think the link is http://www.quake2.com/modeling/q2modeller/files/q2mdlr83.zip

Good Luck!

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