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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

We need a configurable server port.

by mr b33n on 12/03/2004 10:51, 3 messages, last message: 12/06/2004 19:58, 871 views, last view: 04/22/2024 12:23

The ability to set the server port is the basis imho, not a feature.
Can't be to hard to code that in.
There are many people out there trying to run multiple servers on the same machine but atm that's not possible :/


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#1: why would you want to?

by Pxtl on 12/03/2004 14:32

why would you want to run multiple servers on one machine? One server with a fat pipe seems like it would be far more useful than a bunch've fractious servers.

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#2: ..

by mr b33n on 12/05/2004 13:02

I guess 100mbit is enough for more than one cube-server, lol.

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#3: ...

by D.plomat on 12/06/2004 19:58

IMHO having a fixed port for the official binaries is cool, it makes it easier both for the admin and users.

mod's can use other ports if needed, and running different Cube versions/mods on the same server is probably an interesting thing, but then it's trivial to change if you compile your own Cube :)

If what you want is only many servers for 2/3 ppl to have ppl play in many small groups on a LAN, maybe the best thing is running servers on the client PCs.

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