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please share your configuration tips

by mikshaw on 11/26/2004 23:33, 51 messages, last message: 07/01/2005 04:01, 24721 views, last view: 05/19/2024 02:00

Maybe this has been discussed, though a search didn't come up with much and I have yet to read the 3000+ posts in the general thread (just finished the mapping thread after 3 days).

I've been playing with Cube for only a couple of months, and so far have only a few handy edits to autoexec.cfg:

// toggle weapon visibility
alias showweapon [
if (= $hudgun 0) [ hudgun 1 ] [ hudgun 0 ]

// switch to and fire rifle with middle mouse button.
// On release, switch back to another weapon.
bind MOUSE3 [
weapon 4 2 3;
onrelease [ weapon 1 2 4 ]

// Zoom in
alias myfov 90
bind E [
fov 20;
onrelease [ fov $myfov ]

// Apparently there is no undo for the delent command.
// This is a confirmation for delent.
bind KP_MINUS "showmenu delete"
newmenu delete
menuitem "delete entity" "delent"
menuitem "cancel" "echo"

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#12: ..

by n00dle on 12/10/2004 07:00

fixed it

bind LCTRL [ if (= gamespeed 10) [ gamespeed 100; sensitivity 50 ] [ gamespeed 10; sensitivity 30 ]
onrelease [ gamespeed 100 ]

Anyone know how to make it so that the "bullettime" is limited to about 3 secs

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#13: ..

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 12/10/2004 15:29

I'm using a version of pushplay's config, extremely hacked up by me...

Here are my favorite parts:

alias sp [mode -2; map $arg1]

alias dmsp1 [mode -1; skill 1; map $arg1]
alias dmsp2 [mode -1; skill 2; map $arg1]
alias dmsp3 [mode -1; skill 3; map $arg1]
alias dmsp4 [mode -1; skill 4; map $arg1]
alias dmsp5 [mode -1; skill 5; map $arg1]
alias dmsp6 [mode -1; skill 6; map $arg1]
alias dmsp7 [mode -1; skill 7; map $arg1]
alias dmsp8 [mode -1; skill 8; map $arg1]
alias dmsp9 [mode -1; skill 9; map $arg1]
alias dmsp10 [mode -1; skill 10; map $arg1]

alias ffa [mode 0; map $arg1]
alias duel [mode 2; map $arg1]
alias tffa [mode 3; map $arg1]
alias insta [mode 4; map $arg1]
alias tinsta [mode 5; map $arg1]
alias eff [mode 6; map $arg1]
alias teff [mode 7; map $arg1]
alias iarena [mode 8; map $arg1]
alias tiarena [mode 9; map $arg1]
alias tarena [mode 10; map $arg1]
alias ttarena [mode 11; map $arg1]

// This allows you to type the mode before the map instead of using the mode command
// The number after dmsp is skill level

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#14: Erm...

by tentus on 12/20/2004 03:55

This isn't so much of a config trick as it is an SP mapping trick. Perhaps other mappers could pick up on my idea-

I've made a level which intrensically require jumping to finish. However, to make the level different from everyday maps, I've put the following code in the cfg:

bind SPACE echo "Jumping Disallowed"

as well as one the other jumping keys. However, once you find the right trigger, the next code reallows jumping:

bind SPACE "jump"

Naturally, this isn't foolproof- if someone has specialized their keymap it'll really set things out of kilter. but it is a nifty little way of spicing up gameplay.

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#15: ..

by tentus on 12/20/2004 03:56

oops, sorry, the second line should read-

alias level_trigger_# [ bind SPACE "jump ]

and remember you have to apply it to all the jumping keys.

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#16: ..

by A.T.O.M. on 12/21/2004 02:35

i think messing with the clients config should be considered a no-no. that wouldn't have affected me because i don't use the default keys, or even the keyboard. however, if i did, i would've highly irritated. i'm sure there are better ways of making things interesting.

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#17: Re: ..

by tentus on 12/21/2004 03:21, refers to #16

There'll always be better ways to make the level more interesting- but the fact is that this has never been done, and throws a fascinating monkey wrench into the level that the player must overcome, after being confronted with an abrupt and often frustrating change in his comfort zone.

Would there happen to be a way to bind "jump" to an echo? That'd solve the custom keymap issue.

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#18: ..

by Drakker_ on 12/21/2004 13:13

How about just increasing the gravity by a lot?

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#19: ..

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 01/23/2005 02:06

Here's some music config stuff...

you need to have an alias called musiclist that has all the songs you want to toggle thru...

musiclist is your list of music, cpt is your currently playing track,


// Sound Config
alias oldmvol 150 // 0-255 Music Volume alias, used for mute, CHANGE CONFIGURED MUSIC VOLUME HERE
alias oldsvol 150 // 0-255 Sound volume alias, used for mute, CHANGE CONFIGURED SOUND VOLUME HERE
alias muted 0 // 0-1 Mute on or off, don't change the variable directly, use "mute" command

musicvol $oldmvol Used for mute, DO NOT MODIFY
soundvol $oldsvol Used for mute, DO NOT MODIFY

alias mrandom [
//selects an item at random from the music list and then plays it
//usage: mrandom
alias cpt (rnd (listlen $musiclist));
at $musiclist $cpt;
music $s;
if (= $muted 0) [echo "Currently Playing: " $s]

alias mreload [
//reloads the currently playing song
//usage: mreload "arg1 =1 : dipslay current song | =0 : display nothing"
at $musiclist $cpt;
music $s;
if (= $arg1 1) [if (= $muted 0) [echo "Currently Playing: " $s]]

alias mtrackplus [
//Cycles through available sound tracks
//usage: mtrackplus That's pretty much it.
alias cpt (+ $cpt 1);
if (> $cpt (- $mlen 1)) [alias cpt 0]
at $musiclist $cpt;
music $s;
if (= $muted 0) [echo "Currently Playing: " $s]

alias mtrackminus [
//Cycles throught availble sound tracks backwards
//usage: mtrackminus That's pretty much it.
alias cpt (- $cpt 1);
if (< $cpt 0) [alias cpt (- $mlen 1)]
at $musiclist $cpt;
music $s;
if (= $muted 0) [echo "Currently Playing: " $s]

alias mute [
//Toggles a simple mute function
//usage: mute That's pretty much it.
if (= $muted 0) [
alias oldmvol $musicvol; // If mute is not true, mute sound
alias oldsvol $soundvol;
musicvol 0; soundvol 0;
echo "Mute ON";
alias muted 1;] [
musicvol $oldmvol; // If mute is true, restore previous sound levels
soundvol $oldsvol;
echo "Mute OFF";
mreload 1;
alias muted 0;]


And here's my bindings (you can use them on any keys)

bind F1 "saycommand /savemap "; // Save map under a typed name
bind F2 "saycommand /savegame "; // Save game under a typed game
bind F3 "saycommand /loadgame "; // Load a previously saved game
bind F4 "savegame quicksave"; // Save a game under the name "quicksave"
bind F5 "loadgame quicksave"; // Load a game under the name "quicksave"
bind F6 "disconnect"; // Disconnect from the current server **
bind F7 "connect localhost"; // Connect to the local server **
bind F8 "mute"; // Mute all sound **
bind F9 "mreload"; // Reload the current track and print the title out **
bind F10 "mtrackminus"; // Change the current track back one in the playlist (see autolist.cfg) **
bind F11 "mtrackplus"; // Change the current track forward one in the playlist (see autolist.cfg) **
bind F12 "mrandom"; // change the current track to a random song in the playlist (see autolist.cfg) **

-- CODE--

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#20: ..

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 01/23/2005 02:07

oops, lines wrapped...

VOLUME HERE is supposed to be in the comment,
and the ending ** is also supposed to be in the comment.

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#21: Re: ..

by BadCase on 03/01/2005 11:35, refers to #19

any chance you could give me a example of the musiclist alias i cant figure out how to put more then one song
maybee ive just been awake too long:P

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#22: Re: ..

by BadCase on 03/01/2005 11:53, refers to #19

ok scratch that last comment i got the list figured but now when i try to go forward or back a track it says
unknown command $mlen

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#23: making guns go into game

by 3mber on 03/02/2005 00:49

how do u make guns appear in the game? i started yesterday and i rly wanna try working on the game a tad

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#24: Strafe modifier?

by MaxHeadrm on 03/07/2005 01:15

I can see how to bind keys, but how can I bind something like LSHIFT to toggle/modify strafing when I press the left/right keys? (yes, I know... I am a keyboard player)

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#25: ..

by makkE on 03/07/2005 02:13

oh, sorry, cube isn´t really laid out for keyboard players, there´s no such thing as a "strafe-modifier" and thus no turning keys aswell...
it was made for keyboard/mouse combo.

I strongly reccomend you get used to mouse aiming, there´s nothing better for playing fps games. Just get used to it, you won´t want to miss it. Trust me , I once was a keyboard player myself.. mouse aim is just much more natural.
And though many modern games still have that option, it´s doomed to extinct in some years...

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#26: turning keys

by OCC_ViPeRPiT on 06/23/2005 06:27

What if Your handicapped and You need the arrow keys to turn.

The newest and biggest games like DOOM3 and Half-Life 2 have the ability to bind the arrow keys.

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#27: Re: turning keys

by jean pierre on 06/23/2005 13:36, refers to #26

Cube is Cube Sauer is Sauer and they never get to be as good as the other games(but luckily they're better then orriginal Doom tough)

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#28: Re: turning keys

by tentus on 06/23/2005 18:02, refers to #27

ok, JP, i think you just topped yourself on the Dumb Comments Hall of Fame.

OCC- you can use arrow keys already, or have you not bothered trying? all the keys are rebindable, if you would bother to do some reading. i don't think there's a handicap in existance that makes it so you can't use WASD or similar. just inexpirience.

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#29: ..

by makkE on 06/23/2005 18:43

He meant turning via keys.

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#30: Re: Strafe modifier?

by CrazyTB on 06/24/2005 03:30, refers to #24

AFAIK, there are no "turn left" or "turn right" commands. If they existed, we could do something like:

bind lshift [ bind left strafeleft; bind right straferight ; onrelease [bind left turnleft; bind right turnright] ]

Or something like that. (maybe some aliases would be needed, maybe not)

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#31: Some of my configurations

by CrazyTB on 06/24/2005 03:33

Since we should share our configs, please take a look at some of mine:

Fog Color RGB aliases

Easy map load, save and send

(semi-)auto map list generator

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