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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

death illustrated no more?

by SkyCube on 11/16/2004 18:57, 15 messages, last message: 12/11/2004 16:00, 2933 views, last view: 04/30/2024 22:58


Has anyone else seen this? I assume it was posted since march since thats when the last update on the front page was made.

I think its a real shame that such a wonderful project has been compleatly dropped beacause of one stupid little script kiddie. To me that just seems like leting the hacker win.

Is this actually true, or was it just a heat of the moment thing? hopefully someone here (such as pushplay) will know.

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#1: Hey whatch your langauge.

by jean pierre on 11/16/2004 21:01

Theres SauerBraten in Developmrent which is even powerfull.

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#2: Re: Hey whatch your langauge.

by J-C-D-P-C on 11/16/2004 21:25, refers to #1

uh... yeah.. sauer is a whole new engine, its not a mod. Death illustrated was a mod. I'm pretty sure death illustrated is daed, not because of a hacker, but because people just moved on to other things.

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#3: Re: Hey whatch your langauge.

by SkyCube on 11/16/2004 21:30, refers to #1

Firstly what do you mean by "hey watch your language" since I did not swear or insult anyone.

secondly, I know SauerBraten is in development, but death illustated always had a perticular style and was almost certainly the best cube mod around. It just seems a shame that topher is not only going to let this idiot win, but also let him achieve far more than he probably ever dreamed of when he hacked the forums.

And anyway, if the project could continue it might one day even use the SauerBraten engine instead. As that would suit the theme much better in my opinion.

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#4: ..

by staffy2000 on 11/17/2004 07:26

what kind of idiot would do something like this?

i hope he gets f##ked up one day.

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#5: DI

by pushplay on 11/17/2004 08:41

I'm not aware of what happened to the forums, but rest assured that the project lost momentum before that happened.

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#6: Re: DI

by staffy2000 on 11/17/2004 10:43, refers to #5


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#7: ..

by CK|Davros on 11/17/2004 19:21

damn script kiddies

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#8: ..

by makkE on 11/19/2004 15:47

Too bad, the cartoon and bw-approach it had always seemed unique and interesting to me, though I´ve seen only the screenies due to my 56k....

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#9: golly...

by Grogan on 11/26/2004 05:31

This thread got me to try Death Illustrated (I'd not noticed it) for the first time. I tried the last Linux client, and I tried the latest win32 beta. I've had a good bit of fun with this today. All I can say is, wow, great work. What a shame if it dies.

I'm glad I grabbed it before it's gone. I don't think I've ever seen a (mostly) greyscale video game like this before. Even so, I enjoyed the change of scenery. The greyscale looks very cool.

I'm going to have to try this Sauerbrauten thing too, soon. I've read a few threads discussing it.

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#10: Re: golly...

by spentron on 11/26/2004 16:32, refers to #9

If it's "dead", that just means no updates and no active promotion. It's still a solid game as it is. SP is a good chunk of maps, around the size of Cube 2003's included maps and larger than the output of any single mapper (?). I don't think there's any online servers though.

So dialup, it's a pretty good bandwidth value, and you probably won't have any need to repeat that process either.

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#11: ..

by tentus on 12/08/2004 01:30

other than grayscaling all the images and adding the mastermenu (which is very nice), what exactly is different from Cube? I downloaded it today and have played about ten minutes of it, anything I should check out when i have time next?

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#12: Re: ..

by pushplay on 12/08/2004 06:09, refers to #11

The images aren't greyscaled images found on the net, they're hand drawn.

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#13: Re: ..

by tentus on 12/09/2004 02:13, refers to #12

especially the ones in folders like ik2k and golgotha, right? :)

nah, i really do appreciate the handdrawn stuff, i think it's a fantasic idea that works well. how did you manage to make the menus?

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#14: Re: ..

by pushplay on 12/09/2004 04:01, refers to #13

cube/data/menus.cfg is easily modified.

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#15: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 12/11/2004 16:00, refers to #14

I think he's speaking about the initial fullscreen start menu with music/scrolling/skull sliders of the windows version. It sets an appropriate 'atmosphere' just before the game starts.

I didn't found the source, if i have it i'd make it use the same libs as Cube / eventually integrate it into the main binary and make a windows + a linux release.

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