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New map showing room over room .

by cutthroat on 09/26/2004 05:23, 16 messages, last message: 10/13/2004 04:44, 1552 views, last view: 04/30/2024 21:43

I've been working on a map called "Sinking Ship" recently, and just got it pretty much done tonight. It shows the use of the 8 by 8, 4 by 4, and 2 by 2 squares to make rooms on top of rooms.

It could be used for a single player map, although there are no monsters yet. If you wanted to add them in, go ahead. It is more multiplayer oriented.

I'm not sure if the config file is going to be right for other people's computers, but if there are any problems, I could get it sorted out after a bit.

Go to www.inkblots.cjb.net, then click Cube Stuff on the side, and then click the "Sinking Ship map"

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#1: ..

by entrunner7 on 09/26/2004 05:56

i made a number of "chunks" as i call them, based off the models by dcp i assume you're refering to. should i post them? i made about 6 new kinds, for the generation of multilevel maps.

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#2: Re: ..chunks

by MitaMan on 09/26/2004 16:45, refers to #1

Do you mean something like a "template that can be copied and pasted from map to map? Yes, please post it. It could be a big time saver.
BTW, can some please post an example of the command used to edit the texture used of the bride model (or similar model) AFTER the model has been placed in the map. I find it to be a pain in the butt to decide what texture to use on the bridge model early on in map building. Please Please what in the command. Thanks in advance.

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#3: Re: ..chunks

by makkE on 09/27/2004 13:47, refers to #2


tis is how i do it (havin bound upper ceiling texture change somewhere else:

bind kp7 "entproperty 0 1"
bind kp4 "entproperty 0 -1"
bind kp8 "entproperty 1 1"
bind kp5 "entproperty 1 -1"
bind kp9 "entproperty 2 1"
bind kp6 "entproperty 2 -1"
bind kp_minus "entproperty 3 1"
bind kp_plus "entproperty 3 -1"

this way you can easily adjust any value of an entity.. :)

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#4: ..

by makkE on 09/27/2004 14:23


OMG,wqd 15000 ?! Please read the editing.html on how to use the f-key, and mapping on the grid....
And please pack it correctly... why did you include 3 mapmodels you don´t use, btw?

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#5: 15000?

by cutthroat on 09/27/2004 22:28

Wow, 15000? I didn't even notice that.

Hmm. Well, It's a big map with the open water areas, so there is going to be some slowdown with cube, as it doesn't make great outdoor scenes.
I'll go back and use the f-key on the completely solid walls.

Which mapmodels did you mean that I packed, but aren't being used?

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#6: fixed

by cutthroat on 09/27/2004 23:00

Ok, I found the problem. The mapmodels in the config file were off, because I have a bunch of other different mapmodels, and they need to be in order with what they are for the entity properties on the map.

So half the mapmodels I used weren't showing up. That's probably what you were talking about, makke.

The highest wqd I got was 7000, in that big shipping room with crates and stuff in it. Otherwise, the rest should be small hallways and rooms.

Go to http://www.angeltowns.com/members/cutthroat/cube.html and redownload it, if you want to. It should be in order now.

So, when you start off, you should see stairs in front of you, and there should be a roof over you, where you can walk and jump up to the front of the ship. To the left, in the little hall, there is a stairway that winds around the wall, and down to ground floor.

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#7: Re: 15000?

by spentron on 09/30/2004 03:03, refers to #5

Outside (or can you get there?) of the map are huge water areas. And I checked, in this map that affects wqd some even when you can't see any water.

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#8: ..

by cutthroat on 09/30/2004 07:58

Alright, I got rid of some of the water, and solid walled most of the inside walls and it runs from 400 in small areas to 5000 in big outside areas.

I do have a single-player map out now, it's called "Down the rabbit hole" it's the first level of a couple (to be made), which features new sounds. You start out in an abandoned hospital, and work your way onwards. You can download it at the same place as my other ones.


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#9: sp-map

by makkE on 09/30/2004 15:02

first of all:
Why doesn´t the zip look like this?

Also makin a new folder for your custom sounds would be good too.
This way all we´d have to do would be to extract it into /cube and type /sp spgame1

That music command crashed my computer btw... there should be a more elegant way to have no music played . I don´t know about this, because I never tried. adding musicvol 0 to the maps config doesn´t seem to work (anyone know a solution?)
There was a sound missing btw, and the first message got repeated on map end...

As for the map: It´s nice coz it has that little story and the custom sounds... but it´s a little too dark in some areas and it´s often hard to find one´s way. texturing/architecture could have been a little more worked out, too. But a good start and a refreshing idea.

oh and.. maybe find a new (free) sound for that stolen doom3 sound?

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#10: ..

by makkE on 09/30/2004 15:04

oops that got a little weird looking

the .txt and .cgz are meant to be in /base too.......

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#11: ..

by cutthroat on 09/30/2004 23:21

I don't know of any way to stop the music than that. The musicvol 0 means you have to reload the game to play it, but you still wouldn't get the song that comes up halfway through.

I'll try your way of packing everything together in the folders, because you complain enough about it.

It goes

cube/packages/base and sounds folder/*files

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#12: ..

by A.T.O.M. on 10/02/2004 19:26

i always stop the music by consol-ing "music"

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#13: ..

by makkE on 10/02/2004 19:53

:)Yes, it works. Cuttroat just add
to your cfg.

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#14: Block Mapmodels

by tentus on 10/08/2004 17:10

Ok, you can get my and dcp's mapmodels at http://www.freewebs.com/tentusgames/blocks.zip. It's a collection of block-shaped mapmodels used for creating multilevel maps.

Note that the below cfg is nescessary for these to work. Also note that the way mapmodels are made solid (thru a solid-ness radius) makes it so the really large blocks have nonsolid corners.

mapmodel 1 1 0 0 "blocks/2x2"
mapmodel 2 1 0 0 "blocks/4x4"
mapmodel 2 4 0 0 "blocks/4x4x4"
mapmodel 4 1 0 0 "blocks/8x8"
mapmodel 4 4 0 0 "blocks/8x8x4"
mapmodel 4 8 0 0 "blocks/8x8x8"
mapmodel 4 16 0 0 "blocks/8x8x16"
mapmodel 8 1 0 0 "blocks/16x16"
mapmodel 8 4 0 0 "blocks/16x16x4"
mapmodel 8 8 0 0 "blocks/16x16x8"
mapmodel 8 16 0 0 "blocks/16x16x16"

One final note. if you make a multilevel map, all items, spawns, and teleports will be on the actual ground unless you figure out a way around it., such as having a wall underneath any entity.

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#15: ..

by makkE on 10/08/2004 18:21

There is another way to raise an entitiy.. Just raise the cube it rests on, make that one a heightfield and pull that heightfield down again :)

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#16: ..

by entrunner7 on 10/13/2004 04:44

cool, i didn't realize that.

heh, if you make a large tall slope you can climb it by jumping. that'll spice up the gameplay in my next level

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