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How to get Cube to run WELL on slow computers?

by JellyWorker on 09/25/2004 21:02, 11 messages, last message: 10/02/2004 04:34, 1503 views, last view: 04/21/2024 07:12

Hi, I was wondering how to get cube to run quickly on my computer, I have a pentium 3 450mhz, with 512mb of ram (possibly adding 128mb more) a 40gb hard drive, a riva tnt2 m64 with 32mb of ram, and running red hat linux 9. I see in the "tweaking" menu notes like "my 486 can do water too", and I was wondering how, I really like cube and have played it on better machines, and am helping to make a live cd, so I can play it on other computers, (my friends won't let me install anything, because they is paranoid about viruses on their win xp home box) and take it to lan parties. Any help would be appreciated.

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#1: ..

by makkE on 09/25/2004 22:46

read the manual.html and be sure to use every option there...

dynlight 0
maxparticles 100
lightscale 1 (adjust gamma)
fov 90
watersubdiv 64
lighterror 100
minlod 100
fpsrange 15-25 (it´ll do more if it can)
hudgun 0
maxroll 0

these are the ones i can think of quikly...
good luck, it should run on the low-end of being playabe... depends on map too (be sure to vote aard3 whenever possible ;)

anyone correct me if some of those settings won´t really help performance...

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#2: Re: ..

by makkE on 09/25/2004 22:46, refers to #1

eh correction: readme.html

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#3: Re: ..

by spentron on 09/26/2004 03:47, refers to #2

I suggest watersubdiv 16 (higher does little), maybe even lower minlod than 100 (60?) and fpsrange 20 30. fov90 is fine but no lower, tunnel vision. Low frame rate is better than lighterror or lightscaling. Map is a huge variable. Ultimately there is a low end cap as to what's worth trying, about 250 MHz P2 or 333 Celeron (or slower if a decent cache version, most aren't) and a compatible 3D card such as TNT.

Also 640x480, I've heard of using lower but my TNT didn't support it.

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#4: ..

by staffy2000 on 09/26/2004 06:41

i have a tnt2 m60 32 mb (with p4 3ghz and 512 mb ram) and it runs cube well. if you put it on 16 bit colour and overclock it with rivatuner it runs better.

and i have a celeron 450 with 256 mb ram and a onboard graphics card and it runs cube well too.

change minlod to 25

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#5: Re: ..run faster on slow computer

by MitaMan on 09/26/2004 16:38, refers to #4

I found that the single best way (the other suggestions help, but not as much) to increase frame rate is to set your desktop color depth to 16 bit. CUBE uses (in windows) the color depth set for your desktop. From my own experience I found this to nearly double the frame rates on a 500mgz celeron with 32meg GeForce2. Also make sure texture filtering is turned off for your video card (properties setting found in advanced for your card). And of course update your video drivers to latest version. Hope this helps.

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#6: I still need help getting it to run

by JellyWorker on 09/27/2004 02:26

Hi, I still need help, my openGL drivers are as uptodate as redhat linux 9, of which my version was redone in 2003. But in the readme.html, it say's to run cube.bat, how? I set all the things in autoexec.cfg, but some of the things mentioned by makkE are not in it, thanks for all the help so far.

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#7: ..

by makkE on 09/27/2004 14:30

yes they are not neccesairily in the autoexec.cfg, just put em in manually...

the .bat format is a dos file-type, btw...

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#8: it no workee

by JellyWorker on 09/28/2004 19:19

they tips you guy's are giving me are not really working, i get about 1 frame for every 5 seconds, but thanks anyways.

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#9: Re: it no workee

by j.c.d.p.c. on 09/28/2004 21:19, refers to #8

you could always do a cheap upgrade. (buy a $100 processor and a $50 video card)

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#10: did you overclock it?

by staffy2000 on 09/29/2004 09:07

the m60 has really slow memory. half that of a plain tnt2 , so you should overclock that by 25 mhz and the core speed should be overclocked to 145 instead of stock speed (more with a fan). Another issue with the tnt2 is that is does not support hardware Transform and Lighting which causes a major slow down in performance because the cpu is at 100%, as it is doing all the TnL stuff. In other words buy a geforce 1 or 2 or radeon ve (radeon 7000+)off of ebay as they support hardware TnL and are heaps faster.

i hope that made sense.

btw you can always change the card's settings so it does this: http://www.fragfiles.org/~dtd/upload/screenshot_35394.JPG
much faster :)

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#11: Thanks, I'll do that.

by JellyWorker on 10/02/2004 04:34

Thanks, I am going to upgrade my system, athlon xp 2400+ 2.0ghz, 512-1024mb memory, radeon 9-something, 60gb hard drive, but thanks anyway's for all the suggestions. Anybody want a junky tnt2 m64? Cheap really! Ok, just joking, I should make a cube webserver or something...

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