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by macher on 09/13/2004 20:57, 5 messages, last message: 09/27/2004 16:39, 2806 views, last view: 04/29/2024 20:25

Anyone played Doom3? Made it out yesterday and just wanted to tell that it's a great game. Some things aren't so good though. Like you can't change weapon while reloading and the slowiness when changing or reloading a weapon.

The game is very creepy and realistic and very often you get scared of demons jumping out of hidden places or dark corners.

The game is very dark so I played with full brightness so i didn't had to use the light all the time, cause of the slowiness when changing to a gun.

I'm also very impressed with th AI. It's working very well and the monsters act very human, espacially the demon marines.

One of the weaknesses is that you almost have to use the shotgun all the time and not the other weapons 'cause shotgun shells is naerly the only ammo you'll get.

Overall its a great game though.

I can recommend the upgrade pack if you're geting stuck, it helps a lot and makes the game much more enjoyable. For example when you don't have to think about if its worth reloading the shotgun all of the time, cause you can't shot while reloading...

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#1: ..

by A.T.O.M. on 09/14/2004 01:47

"The game is very creepy and realistic and very often you get scared of demons jumping out of hidden places or dark corners."

Ahhh, yes... the TRADE MARK of DOOM! I haven't bought it (DOOM 3), but I remember the early DOOM episodes with a great fondness :) The scene darkened, the music slowed -- nothing much going on. Then, all of a sudden, WHAM!!! Something jumped out at me and I'd jerk so bad I'd break yet another joystick in half :O

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#2: doom

by cutthroat on 09/25/2004 19:54

I bought the game this week along with a new video card, and I think it's a great game. A lot of people say it sucks, but that's because they were expecting the greatest game ever where you can do anything to anyone, and stuff like that.

I've jerked the mouse many times so far, by being in the dark with a flashlight, then turn around and see an imp diving straight at me. It's cool how the zombies fall down stairs, and try to grab onto the railing as they fall.

It's fun going into the console and going to one of the test maps, and spawning ragdolls, canisters, laptops, and tables "map testmaps/test_box" and "spawn env_ragdoll_fatty".

I'm only halfway through it, but I still think it's one of the greatest gameing experiences I've had in a while. I can't wait until Half-Life 2 comes out.

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#3: ..

by GHak3r on 09/25/2004 22:16

I played this for about an hour on my friends' computer. It was pretty amazing, only we had to turn all the effects down on a fairly decent machine (Athlon XP 2400+, 768 MB DDR 400, GeForce FX 5200, nForce 2 board). The game really is pretty creepy and I loved the animations that made it really cool. I'm a big fan of FarCry, UT2004, and Deus Ex: Invisible War so I may have to buy Doom 3 whenever I get a better video card for myself.
I'm just excited about Halo 2 this November!!!

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#4: Doom III Suck my ball's

by Lavaball on 09/27/2004 15:58

It ruined EVERY fps games on earth ;(

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#5: Doom3

by Pxtl on 09/27/2004 16:39

A good, solid singleplayer game. Still, single player is masturbation - give me UT2k4 for real fun any day.

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