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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by Shockie on 04/08/2002 13:15, 17 messages, last message: 04/12/2002 15:36, 1699 views, last view: 04/15/2024 22:07

i worked out (i think) why the forum messes up and keeps trying to put our posts in the wrong thread.

this is what happens, i chose to post a message, and click submit, it kicks me back to the main menu, instead of shoeing me the post, and then when i goto add a message in another thread, it has the code with all the escaped characters and html encoded shit, and then if i post a message, it posts it back in the thread the 1st one was meant to go?!?

it also happens if i get impatient and click the forum link up the top there (*POINTS*). i use ie 6, but it also happens in ie 4, 5, 5.5, i dont like netscrap (i sound like kahn), so i didnt try in that

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#1: Uh

by SleepwalkR on 04/08/2002 14:38

I can't really follow you - I have heard that some people have had this problem, but I have no idea what it is, and your description doesn't really help me either... could you please try to make yourself a bit clearer?

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#2: Also

by SleepwalkR on 04/08/2002 14:40

I have only heard about it once I think... and I have never experienced it myself =(. I'd like to find out what is wrong here, but as long as I can't reproduce it, I'm more or less unable to.

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#3: ok

by Shockie on 04/09/2002 12:35

here we go again.
to produce it:
1) you must try to post a msg
2) click the "forum" link up the top
3) then goto another tread, and you original msg shows up, escaped (ie, " = ")
4) type up a new msg, and post it
5) check the 1st thread, and its there


it can happen if sometimes i get dumped back into the main menu, realy fast, faster than my "lightning fast" modem allows (its 56k here, lol)

i am going to try and "accidently" post this in another thread.

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#4: soooooo

by Shockie on 04/09/2002 12:37

here we go again.
to produce it:
1) you must try to post a msg
2) click the "forum" link up the top
3) then goto another tread, and you original msg shows up, escaped (ie, " = ")
4) type up a new msg, and post it
5) check the 1st thread, and its there


it can happen if sometimes i get dumped back into the main menu, realy fast, faster than my "lightning fast" modem allows (its 56k here, lol)

i am going to try and "accidently" post this in another thread.

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#5: wholy shit

by Shockie on 04/09/2002 12:44

ok this is extreemly interesting, it tells me im not logged in, so i goto the "prefabgen" thread, and post the message i wanted there, when i meant to say, "WTF = WHAT THE FUCK" and there it is, check it out, and now, there are also 2 posts here

i have no clue now.

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#6: adsf

by SleepwalkR on 04/09/2002 13:33


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#7: Shockie

by SleepwalkR on 04/09/2002 13:36

I can't reproduce it, but I have an idea where the problem might come from. The forms values are stored in the session, and they should get cleared when you make a post. Obviously, this doesn't work for you, which is odd, because it's server side, and the only thing that gets stored on your machine is the session id (either in a cookie or in the url). Are cookies disabled on your browser?

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#8: ..

by Shockie on 04/10/2002 15:12

definantly not,
do u have an abandon session thingy in the header of the thread viewer?

why the hell fo u use sessions for it?


ok, didnt post that time, this is realy
weird, i just added after the ---- bit, i got ditched bak to the menu, and this didnt post, i membered what u need
<? session_destroy(); ?>
i dont know how that will show up
>? session_destroy(); ?<
that might tho.

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#9: ..

by Shockie on 04/10/2002 15:27

lol, i got the < and > the wrong way arround...

this tread not destroys ur session vars, thats a big flaw in this forum, i can add php commands.

echo phpinfo();
echo phpversion();

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#10: ..

by Shockie on 04/10/2002 15:44

echo "booo!"
echo "[$REQUEST_URI]";
$i = 4; while ($i < 8) {
print "I have eaten $i bagels today.n";

it keeps doing it now

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#11: Shockie

by SleepwalkR on 04/10/2002 21:39

You can't add php commands, they are not executed. They are merely displayed so that one can show code. Sessions are used for storing serialized persistent objects in them. I'd be interested if anyone else is experiencing these problems or if you are the only one.

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#12: php

by Shockie on 04/11/2002 13:29

when i put in the comments, any thing in the < and > doest even got printed, does the forum destroy it?

this is a long winded way to go, but mabe put the values in the querystring, or hidden feilds?

this is the html coded version:
< and >

< and >

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#13: c

by Shockie on 04/11/2002 13:37

maybe you should make it so that < and > arnt removed, but html_encoded

and also so we can add images. int the <img> tag, im using & g t ; and & l t ;

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#14: No

by SleepwalkR on 04/11/2002 14:19

I don't want html in here. Right now, tags get stripped. I might change that so that it gets encoded in the future, but I don't see any sense in that since we're not going to discuss html here a lot.

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#15: ok

by Shockie on 04/11/2002 14:48

maybe just images? or ubbc

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#16: uhm

by SleepwalkR on 04/11/2002 16:40

What for? You can just paste your url and it's automatically turned into a link. Just like this: http://rem.fov120.com/images/eye.jpg

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#17: readmes

by Shockie on 04/12/2002 15:36

They come from:
Half-Life: Counter-Strike,
Half-Life: Science and Industry
Half-Life: Day of Defeat
Half-Life: Team Fortress Classic,

autor info, if provided is on the cube world website, i have not made any of these. they dont come with readmes, but are free to distribute, as i found them on some mapping sites too, some for quake, some for hl, and all said free to distribute, thats y i didnt bother. if you wish for any read me's, or where they came from i can find, aard, i will put them in there.

and al, i like urs. you inspired me to add these, i forgot to put urs up...

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