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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

New Mod Site , Cake !

by (cake) Frank__i (cake) on 09/01/2004 15:52, 20 messages, last message: 09/27/2004 04:33, 2061 views, last view: 04/30/2024 01:07

Hello ladies and gentlemen . Me and Dr.death have made a new website and are currently working on a single player campaing . the site is at this adresse

The mod isnt done yet , i stoped for a while when the cube site wasent working , but im working on it again and you can download the demo (6 maps only) here :

Oh , and by the way , the site looks very bad cause of the commercials on top . I put the site exacally like i did it , but i will fix it soon .

Thank you , Frank__i (Frank__in33dskate@hotmail.com)

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#1: Still Working

by (cake) Frank__i (cake) on 09/02/2004 00:48

So ive updated the version of the demo i made for my single-player campaing called : The Lost Emeralds

I feel like i should tell you what im working on exacally like that you know all how cool this is going to be. So far , there will be 3 themes : The Base (were you start and the demo) , Egypt (first emerald) and the north pole (will have new textures like ehhhh ... snow :P ) . The theme from the demo is not the best one , cause egypt and the snow theme both kick ass .

The Campaing follows all the way until you get those emeralds , and what i like about it is that even if you fight in the same themes , you travel throut them (ex: you start be killing lots of monsters in the desserts of egypt , but then you get to go in somesort of underground pyramid) .

It would be cool if a coder could help me out , what i went isnt hard at all : I would just need a coder to had me monsters for the big bosses at the end of episodes.

And by the way , ive updated the demo. Some stuff just dint work right ...

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#2: Re: Still Working

by j.c.d.p.c. on 09/02/2004 00:53, refers to #1

see innovati, this is what you need to do, show some work, and then ask for a coder.

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#3: Demo

by (cake) Frank__i (cake) on 09/02/2004 02:44

yes , you can accully download what i have done so far at http://www.angelfire.com/ak5/cubemods/News.html
in the files section . Its kind of a demo , its no a hole thing (the hole thing will be more than 2x what it is)
I will repeat , the site is still being worked on

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#4: ..

by arghvark on 09/02/2004 05:50

Frank you *need* to get real hosting. Try moddb.com maybe fragfiles.com or other free good hosting sites out there. Anglefire just plain bites it :/

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#5: ..

by (cake) Frank__i (cake) on 09/02/2004 15:31

ya , angelfire sux balls ... I wish there was this big cube site with hostedsites in it , that would be good ... but arghvark , did you try my sp campaing demo ? And if you did , did you like it ?

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#6: ..

by (cake) Frank__i (cake) on 09/02/2004 16:23

I have taken a scrrenshot of everymap in my mappack for those who want to see. There big , so those with slow internet might take a while ... Here the screenshot site :

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#7: ..

by why wont it let me log in??? on 09/02/2004 16:44

(this is Innovati)

Well, I AM doing "real work", I just asked you to help me at the begginning. And, I think we are probably going to use thew Quake3 engine, because the coder I did get is comfortable with modding it, but doesn't know if his C++ is good enough to do any Cube development. We'll see.

Also, any Cube-relted projects, I am happy to host at www.innovatived.ca, I could even give you guys a subdomain homepage for the game too. As long as it's under or around 50MB. Also if you want the file to be smaller, you should save it as a Bzip2. This can be opened in Linux and Mac easily, and in windows all you need is Winrar (which you *should* have already). That makes it nice and small for the dial-up people. Also, a rar is pretty good too.

The problem is that right now, Quake 3 uses MD3 files, Cube uses MD2. I don't wanna start making MD2 files if we're gonna end up using Quake. So we're kinda stuck in the engine war right now.

Cube is good, fast and small, easy to make levels for. But Quake3 has a larger community of coders, small, fast, uses better models and more detaile3d levels. Plus you can easily find tons of free tools to make levels and models for Quake3.

I dunno. I think serious development (coding and massive model-making) will begin around January. We are getting a team together, making the website, getting the software, writing the storyline. We wanna get more art and music to define the theme before we start to make the levels.

Anyway, yeah, I'll keep you guys updated asa to the developmenyt of Final Dawn. It will be a good game when it is done, and hopefully the first of a series. I plan on improving the gameplay in whatever ways possible for at least a second one.

E-mail me at innovati@innovatived.ca about the hosting thing.

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#8: ..

by (cake) Frank__i (cake) on 09/02/2004 18:06

Ok thank you . But if i get this hosted site with 50 mb. maby ill put some of my quake 3 maps , and im also doing a doom 3 maps so ... (i work because i like working , as simple as that) ill send you an email soon , cuase angelfire isnt good at all.


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#9: Re: ..

by spentron on 09/02/2004 18:46, refers to #8

Not bad so far. Ugly bits but I like the spacemap structure and that opening doors often let out a wakened monster.

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#10: ..

by (cake) Frank__i (cake) on 09/03/2004 14:22

Ive updated the web site again. Ive rote about cube stuff in the news and ive made somthing new :
Its a new item picture that you can use. I did this cause i find that the cube one is too normal.


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#11: ..

by (cake) Frank__i (cake) on 09/04/2004 00:09

Good news : My cosin takes programmin classes and will try to add monsters to me . The number of % that he succeds are not high , but if he does , he will be not only able to code monsters , but other things too (example : skys that hurt you).

Well , the chances arent high , but im just saying it because if he is able too , then this will become more then a big map pack

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#12: ..

by lethedethius...2 on 09/20/2004 03:55

Cake, if you want i can host your site... no banners... just ease of use and a dictator as your leader *me* :D

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#13: Re: ..

by entrunner7 on 09/21/2004 03:57, refers to #11

if you actually pull that off can i have the code for use in my own mod? both of those are things i am unsuccessfully working on.

while i'm asking, has anyone ever tried to make it so players can determine your personal sprite without altering everyone else's? ie. have big rhinos, little knights, and ogros running around in multiplayer? i've seen it mentioned but i don't know if anyone's made any headway.

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#14: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 09/21/2004 10:07, refers to #13

The only thing you can do is swap models. Then all players will be big rhinos, or little knights, but all players will have the same model, you can't have different player model for each one.

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#15: Re: ..

by pushplay on 09/22/2004 01:44, refers to #14

Doing it in the code is pretty trivial actually.

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#16: Re: ..

by tentus again on 09/22/2004 14:13, refers to #15

i'm hoping to be able to flesh out the story of my mod via demos. in order to do that i need a way of having multiple models available in multiplayer (aside from the fact that choosing your player would be cool).

so simply swaping models, which any two year old can do, is _NOT_ the answer i want, which you guys keep giving me. i need a lead on how to code into the source the ability to change your default model _without_changing_anyone_else_. and then making it so that online will recognize it and then demos. but at the moment my effort are negligable.

a note to frank... i would suggest not doing the little window blind thing you've done in the past (where you have a inlaid bit, like a ordinary window, but then with some more cubes behind it covering all but one vdeltas worth of space space.) this kills performance, doesn't help it at all. it can't ocull at all with that single vdelta of space.

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#17: Re: ..

by spentron on 09/23/2004 04:22, refers to #16

I was going to mention the window blind thing. It doesn't occlude but the problem is it's all inside one big open space. That could be solved by adding a solid wall (probably skybox) behind the blinds, preferably 8 cubes or more thick ... but also not preferably not blocking where you can see across. Performance is acceptable though on my PC.

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#18: Re: ..

by pushplay on 09/23/2004 06:04, refers to #16

Look, it's simple. Add another variable to the player struct, add methods for changing the var, make sure the player info gets invalidated so it will be resent, add that var to the send and receive player info in the net code, make the renderer take advantage of that var. I did exactly that in Quad except with player colours. Then I took it out :).

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#19: Re: ..

by entrunner7 on 09/26/2004 06:10, refers to #18

didn't catch all of that.
where would be a good place to go to learn the background of what you just told me?
other than the cube and quad sources, i mean. some sort of tutorial page? i dunno

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#20: Re: ..

by pushplay on 09/27/2004 04:33, refers to #19

Once you know how to program it's all in reading the source. You can't make a tutorial for modifying source because there's an infinite number of ways you could modify it. You could turn it into a screensaver, a tax calculator, or a fractal generator. Not that any of those make any sense, but you could.

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