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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by ludus on 08/22/2004 04:02, 5 messages, last message: 08/26/2004 06:23, 986 views, last view: 04/19/2024 04:48

i want to play in a lan.
i started the file server.bat
and then my owen game.esc->mutiplayer->connect to local host.alright..but when my freind tried to connect,it doesnt work??the lan is correct.
any answer!?!?

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#1: ..

by why wont it let me log in??? on 08/22/2004 05:46

Um, yeah...are you sure the lan connection between your two machines is functional? Also, do you have the same version of cube? If you try to hook up diffrent versions fo cube, but they're the wrong protocol, then it won't work.

one last thing you might wanna try if all else fails, is both connecting to an empty online server. Not quite the same, but it works ;)

best of luck.

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#2: when asking for help...

by pushplay on 08/22/2004 05:51

Always include error messages.

Check and see if he can ping your address on the network. Linux and windows both come with a lovely ping utility.

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#3: mmmmhmmm

by why wont it let me log in??? on 08/22/2004 05:53

Right, you should always include the error messages printed out when reporting a problem, gives us a clear idea of what specifically is going on.

Other than that, we are just able to give general troubleshooting advice...

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#4: ..

by makkE on 08/22/2004 12:53

you have to find out the network-ip of the computer running server.bat.

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#5: ..

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 08/26/2004 06:23

OK, now, if **YOU** are the server, then...

1. Run server.bat

2. Run cube.bat

3. Once in cube, press the "T" key to open the console

4. type "/connect" (without the quotes) in the console

5. this should connect to the server running on your computer.

If the server is running on a different computer, then replace step four with this:

4. type "/connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" (without the quotes) where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the computer the server is running on...

_gee, did you read the manual?_

OK, one other thing, you may be able to see the server in the servermenu (just update the list before you check it)

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