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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

really slow

by homer is smart!! on 08/21/2004 05:13, 9 messages, last message: 08/24/2004 21:26, 1156 views, last view: 04/18/2024 21:03

cube on my cpu only goes at 23 fps(frames per second) at a time and is really really really slow. Is there a way to make it faster without buying anything

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#1: ..

by makkE on 08/21/2004 13:58

try out the tweaking options in the menu
also /lighterror 16
/lightscale 2 or even 1 (adjust gamma in case it´s too bright)
/dynlight 0
/maxparticles 100
/fov 90
/watersubdiv 64
might help a little..
be sure to check you´r graphic card´s system settings are tweaked towards performance..

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#2: only 23??!?

by innovati on 08/22/2004 02:12

It goes at ONLY 23???!?!!!?

Is that a problem? How many frames per second do you think a DVD is? not much more than that. I would say that 23 FPS is not the problem...if it's going slow, it's because of the resolution...

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#3: ..

by pushplay on 08/22/2004 05:49

Film shoots with motion blur, which is why you can stand the rather slow 24 hertz. But when the camera pans quickly (a swish pan) the screen blurs all to hell. Games of course have no such motion blur, which is why you want 60-90 hertz.

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#4: Re: ..

by spentron on 08/22/2004 17:19, refers to #3

You can want it, but I've never had it. Yes it is more visible than film, but it's really more about LAG than looks, unless you're prone to epileptic seizures from strobing. Faster seems more effortless and has that split-second edge in multiplayer just like a faster connection. Play gets substantially difficult when you have to move the mouse slowly, or find yourself pointing backwards when the next frame arrives, which occurs around 10 FPS and below. Low FPS does not interfere with mouse scanning, unlike some games where everything slows down at once, nor does it affect jumping unlike Quake 1 or early Cube.

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#5: Give us some info

by D.plomat on 08/22/2004 22:35

your hardware, resolution and settings, so we help you tuning this a bit

first things to check are of course the resolution and if you´ve not a fullscreen antialiasing...

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#6: Slow like a turtle.

by kArL on 08/22/2004 23:19

I got 5 fps. What can i do? I'm running Slackware Linux 10. Athlon XP 1.3GHz, 256RAM. Why is it so slow?

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#7: ..

by why wont it let me log in??? on 08/23/2004 02:01

what are your other settings? Are you sure you have the 3d acceleration drivers in Linux?

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#8: Re: only 23??!?

by makkE on 08/23/2004 16:26, refers to #2

LOL, another one of those "my movie has 18 fps, why should my computer game need more?"
Now start some game that lets you cap fps, cap it at 23 and then cap it at your monitor´s refresh rate and tell me what was more fun....

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#9: Re: Slow like a turtle.

by RealNitro on 08/24/2004 21:26, refers to #6

In a console, type glxgears, let it go for half a minute and post the output here.

And what 3d-card do you have?

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