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by ripdisk on 06/27/2004 22:14, 13 messages, last message: 08/16/2004 10:38, 2525 views, last view: 05/05/2024 00:16

Know what'd be cool? Radar for multiplayer games, that doesn't make it to where you can't play with the normal cube users. It would be a pain in the ass to have to send the mod to everyone you want to play with..

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#1: ..

by SnipaMaster on 06/27/2004 23:53

does not sound like a good idea, deathmatch (or at least most) games dont have it for a reason, it takes the fun out of it. Whats the fun in waiting for someone to come round a corner to introduce shotgun rounds to their face if they know youre there and give you a mouth full of rockets instead?

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#2: ..

by Arcai on 06/28/2004 04:58

Yeah I agree with SnipaMaster.

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#3: ..

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 06/28/2004 05:36

So do I.

Radar works better on more "Tactical" games...

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#4: ..

by makkE on 06/28/2004 13:46

lol imagine 8 ppl on gzdm1... take a look on the radar and you´re dead...

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#5: ..

by krach on 06/28/2004 16:30

Radar? That's stupid :P

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#6: ..

by Saffo[ITA] on 07/01/2004 09:18

radar..for the cheater -_-

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#7: ..

by whiz_kid123 on 07/02/2004 06:03

I'm going to have to agree with enigma. I don't think a radar would probably be a good idea.

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#8: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 07/02/2004 15:30, refers to #6

lol, we could also make a mod where everyone has god-mode, infinite ammo and an aimbot ;)

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#9: ..

by SnipaMaster on 07/02/2004 17:16

Or a mod where there's no deathmatch, and you run round and shoot your weapons causing no harm to other players.
think how much fun that would be!

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#10: Well...

by Pxtl on 07/02/2004 20:12

Such a feature could be useful in Sauer. After all, sauer is going to be a general purpose engine for making games, so who's to say that someone wont want to make an AvsP scanner as a pickup, or a vehicle game where a radar would be appropriate?

Still, I'm not gonna bother, and I don't think a lot of other people will.

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#11: Re: Well...

by D.plomat on 07/03/2004 18:57, refers to #10

eventually a way to look at a map (2D-map like doom for Cube, or 3D-map like descent for Sauer)... but a radar is too powerful and badly affects balance.

or eventually as a pickup, but that's still a too much powerful item.

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#12: Re: Well...

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 07/03/2004 19:15, refers to #11

Yeah, it would destroy cube's fast, twitchy playstyle already in place... however, That said, I also agree with Pxtl that if someone were to create a "tactical" or racing game with sauer, then a radar would be appropriate. Perhaps in the new sauer code, a radar function can be added, and the enabled/disabled at the modder's discression...

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#13: Boring....

by Lavaball on 08/16/2004 10:38

Why you want a radar the most boringest thing ever is there something better then radar like CTF or Matrix Deathmatch(Slow Motion Deathmatch)

Which would be better then a fucking radar to me

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