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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Possible map redirection?

by Y0KK3N on 05/27/2004 22:28, 8 messages, last message: 05/29/2004 07:37, 902 views, last view: 04/21/2024 21:10

Is there a way to make it so the user is redirected to a different part of a map when they touch a certain object, or something? If so, where might I put any map modifications?

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#1: ..

by macher on 05/27/2004 22:35

You use the teleport. "/newent teleport X" in the console. X can be 1-4.

Then choose a place where the person will be directed to and put "/newent teledest X" in teh consoloe.

X should be the same number as in "/newent teleport X"

You can also use "esc>editing>new entity> teleport" and choose teleport and teledest there.

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#2: teleport

by jcdpc. on 05/27/2004 22:36

umm... the teleport and teledest entities are what you want.

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#3: ...

by Y0KK3N on 05/27/2004 22:52

Er... it didn't exactly work. Any other ideas?

<script>alert('Testing. Lol.')</script>

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#4: Re: ..

by spentron-postcrash2 on 05/27/2004 23:08, refers to #1

1. readme.html in your cube folder, Reference, note the "newent" part goes with all the entities listed just after.

2. try first with menu and teleport. Select the cube first where you want it to go. See the thing? Hit edit to game and try walking into it, nice "no teledest" message. So now reenter edit and put one somewhere, be sure to point yourself in the direction you want the player to end up going, it'll be marked only with a sparklie. Test.

3. menus allow 1-4, console allows 0-255 (0??), although I've been able to keep it to 1-99 ;). One dest per #, but multiple ports will converge to a single dest.

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#5: Re: ..

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 05/28/2004 02:24, refers to #4

> although I've been able to keep it to 1-99

haha, I've never had use for that many tele's...

But then again you use those complex monster generator thingys...

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#6: Re: ..

by pushplay on 05/28/2004 06:33, refers to #5

> But then again you use those complex monster generator thingys...

Not that you'd have to if Cube was using my idea of 1 monster argument acting as a tag for spawning it in. ;)

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#7: ..

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 05/29/2004 06:24

That's a nice idea, but untill it's implemented, we'll have to rely on less "exact" methods...

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#8: Re: ..

by spentron-postcrash2 on 05/29/2004 07:37, refers to #6

I thought that was a good idea, however you're discounting the self-triggering function of most of my "monster thingys" (the inexactness of which is sometimes a feature). I don't remember if you suggested the monsters spawn awake or asleep, asleep would be good for backtracking and would work for insta-ambushes, but awake would be more versatile and supplement my methods nicely.

To make it as nice as regular monster placement but fully versatile, spawning monsters would need display without collision in edit, disappear on game and then do collision at spawn.

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