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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

LAN problems

by adi_n on 05/26/2004 16:49, 12 messages, last message: 06/09/2004 05:59, 1125 views, last view: 05/02/2024 07:09


me the host, after my friends connects i recv a msg but nothing happens...

"D:\cube>bin\cube.exe -d
init: sdl
init: net
dedicated server started, waiting for clients...
Ctrl-C to exit

looking up wouter.fov120.com...
sending request to wouter.fov120.com...
masterserver reply:

Registration successful, but I couldn't ping you!
client connected (LIOR)
status: 1 remote clients, 0.0 send, 0.1 rec (K/sec)"

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#1: precision:

by D.plomat on 05/26/2004 16:58

launching an internet server for friends connecting via internet, or a LAN server?

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#2: Dunno about the failure...

by Pxtl on 05/26/2004 17:09

I can explain the error - the master server is outside of the LAN and trying to add you to the masterserver list, and cannot because you don't have the masterserver and serving ports open. Additionally, when you register with the masterserver, you have to send it the right IP address, and I think sometimes the local server just sends the local (network) addy instead of the full internet address.

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#3: ..

by makkE on 05/26/2004 19:17

hmmm... but he´s using the /bin/cube.exe

shouldn´t he use server.bat ?
maybe there´s the error.....

apropros lan problems: we had a strange thing here, stanze got disconnected from my server after a minute or so, it said "incompatible clients disconneted"

lan problems have also been reported in the esl-forums...

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#4: Re: Dunno about the failure...

by adi_n on 05/26/2004 20:42, refers to #2

So pratically what can i do?
i use server.bat ...

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#5: Re: Dunno about the failure...

by krach on 05/28/2004 14:45, refers to #4

you could start cube and connect to :D

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#6: LAN games

by krakensden on 06/01/2004 00:11

Heh. I did this yesterday. You're going to need to edit server.bat, change the option from -d (dedicated) to -l (listen server) (This is what is causing your primary problem). Then connect to . Then, go to the second/third/fourth computer on your LAN and add the IP address of your server to servers.cfg. Now, to connect any of the client machines they only have to pop up the server browser- where your one, lonely server should be right there for the taking =D.

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#7: cant connect to master serever

by widowmaker on 06/07/2004 20:46

yeah so i get the same:

looking up wouter.fov120.com
sending request to wouter.fov120.com
masterserver replay:

Server not registered: You did not respond to ping.

message. This is not for LAN, just general mp, and what karakendsden said might work but i dont know how to change it, please help

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#8: Re: cant connect to master serever

by widowmaker on 06/07/2004 20:47, refers to #7

btw i use the server.bat file if that helps at all

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#9: ..

by Pxtl on 06/07/2004 21:07

Usually means you're sending a different address to the masterserver than the one you're actually located at, or you have some needed ports blocked.

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#10: connect

by franck on 06/08/2004 21:36

i try to connect to some host but allays the same message.
different game protocol(you 120, server 121)

what should i do ? ;o)

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#11: damn

by Pxtl on 06/08/2004 22:26

need to make that error message more informative as to possible causes - this question keeps coming up over and over and over again.

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#12: Re: damn

by Aardappel on 06/09/2004 05:59, refers to #11

I assumed its pretty obvious from the numbers you must be running an older version of the game if you get that...

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