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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Got some ideals

by Al_Capone on 03/31/2002 07:23, 4 messages, last message: 04/11/2002 13:36, 1035 views, last view: 04/28/2024 18:44

I been playing through the levels in Cube and I was wondering, instead of comming up with one type of game should it be how about if the players can actialy choose the type of game they want to play, example if they want knights then they can choose castles, if they want Dungion and Dragons, then that what it would be, if it's an egyption then thats what it will be. How about a Gauntlet envorment or aztec. It would be alot like Actraiser and I love that game except people would be able to choose the type they want to play and even the caraters with it.

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#1: Re: Credit

by Shockie on 03/31/2002 15:19, refers to #14

i said it was good

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by Shockie on 03/31/2002 15:24

ah ha, in the gerneral thread, someone said that the post went in the wrong place, well that one did, it ended up here when it was meant for "Night Scene"

go figure?

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#3: Re: THERE

by Al_Capone on 04/01/2002 09:03, refers to #2

Yea, but let's get back on the subject, what do everyone think of this ideal of a choose your own enviorment ideal ?

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#4: Re: THERE

by *papri-K* on 04/11/2002 13:36, refers to #3

sounds good to me

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