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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

a different protocol?

by new-B. on 05/03/2004 18:07, 6 messages, last message: 01/25/2005 20:19, 1204 views, last view: 05/05/2024 10:41

Hey there,

I've recently installed Cube-2003_12_23 from the .rpm package on my Mandrake Linux 9.2. It works fine untill I'm trying to connect to some multiplayer server. When I'm obtaining the server list, I get the "[different cube protocol]" note next to each server name and when I try to make a connection, I fail with the following message:

attempting to connect to curve.whatzit.org
connected to server
illegal network message (type)

Does anyone know how to fix it?

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#1: ..

by Thalion on 05/03/2004 18:45

Since you mentioned an RPM package, I guess you didn't compile it yourself; and I really hope the person who made it (and where did you get the RPM, by the way) used Aard's binaries. If it is the case, then probably the only thing you can do is contact the server admin and inform him of that.

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#2: ..

by new-B. on 05/03/2004 21:48

> ...and I really hope the person who made it (and where did you get the RPM, by the way) used Aard's binaries.

The packager is 'PLD bug tracking system ( http://bugs.pld-linux.org/ )' and I've found that file on rpm.pbone.net

> If it is the case, then probably the only thing you can do is contact the server admin and inform him of that.

Well, it would be reasonable, if it was only one server. But I just cann't connect to ANY of the servers. All of them are labelled: [different cube protocol] and all return "illegal network message (type)" message when trying to connect to them.

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#3: Re: ..

by Aardappel on 05/04/2004 03:42, refers to #2

whoever made those rpms never bothered to read the readme that comes with the cube source and compiled an incompatible client. contact that person and tell him he needs to be using the binaries from the original cube .zip

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#4: Re: ..

by new-B on 05/05/2004 09:37, refers to #3

You were right - the binaries from original cube .zip work fine. The game kicks ass :] Thanks, guys.

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#5: Re: ..

by hello on 01/25/2005 19:48, refers to #4

i\'m using Cube with FreeBSD 5.3 and i\'ve got the same error with cube-version from /usr/ports, and the linux_client doesn\'t work ;(

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#6: Re: ..

by makkE on 01/25/2005 20:19, refers to #5

you ´ll need the 2004 version of cube.

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