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I have found a way to cheat that should be fixed SOON

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 04/30/2004 23:27, 39 messages, last message: 09/21/2004 10:41, 7094 views, last view: 05/18/2024 21:36

OK, now I have found a way to cheat in network (and online) games. I won't post it unless Aard wants me to. But i think it would relatively easy to fix in the next release. Anyway, Aard, if you don't want me to post this so people don't start cheating, tell me.

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#1: Oh yeah...

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 04/30/2004 23:28

Oh yeah, this cheat can make it so that a person can't be shot, but he can shoot others. (and there is no client modification either)

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#2: Re: Oh yeah...

by makkE on 05/01/2004 00:12, refers to #1

you´ve done good not to post it. :)
maybe email it to aard.
I also heard about this.

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#3: Oh wow...

by Pxtl on 05/03/2004 13:58

Cheating in Cube. That'd be really, really hard. Not. Sorry, but the fact is that Cube is about as secure as those little plastic locks they put on teenage girls diaries to keep their 4-year old brothers from reading them. Its just a fact - client-side everything means that cheating will be easy. My suggestion is to get a good list of tight friends together to play with so that you don't have to play on pubs if the game ever gets too big for its britches.

For example - in Cube, the "I did damage to this player" message is generated client-side. Visible line-of-sight is not required. Even shooting the guy directly is not required. Just the damage message, which is generated by the client after you shoot someone. Alternately, you could hack yourself a copy of your openGL drivers that would allow you to shoot through walls.

I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be unfeasable to make a hack that allows you to push a button and kill everyone in the room.

I don't mean to bash Aard's work, but just to inform - security was not a design feature of Cube. He just did the bare minimum for security - he hid the network code so that in order to do any of the above, you'd just have to do it the hard way, by sniffing the packet stream until you could reverse-engineer the protocol.

Hell, I can even think of a few clever cheats offhand using Cube's normal bugs that would be pretty powerful. Nothing earthshattering, but a few things that could really give a player a massive edge without coding a line of text.

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#4: Re: Oh wow...

by D.plomat on 05/03/2004 15:20, refers to #3

two $0.02 comments:

-enet library has way better performance than thick-server ones, at the expense of a little loss of security (i say little because a thick server only prevents grotesque cheats like invincibility or instant kills but doesn't protect from aimbots, seeing through walls or similar) and...

-even on games designed to be more secure, unless the servers are 24/7/365 monitored by admins, cheaters find their way.

So totally agree on the "good list of tight friends"

About public servers, i never noticed someone cheating (only disturbing the game by fooling newbies into voting for coopedit, or taking very long names to make the texts and scores menu unreadable, but that's probably very easy to fix)

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#5: Well...

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 05/03/2004 16:05

Well I just thought this cheat was intereesting because it didn't require any client modification or coding...

That's all

PS: I have e-mailed the cheat to Aard.

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#6: ..

by >driAn<. on 05/03/2004 17:54

I e-mailed it aard already ~ 1 month ago

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#7: Re: Oh wow...

by Thalion on 05/03/2004 18:43, refers to #3

> by sniffing the packet stream until you could reverse-engineer the protocol.

That is not even necessary (I did some research into the subject - out of pure interest of course... hey! get that gun away from my head! =)) - just compare the output from official version with the one compiled by yourself. That, and a glance at Cube's network code, is enough.

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#8: Re: Oh wow...

by hungerburg on 05/03/2004 20:11, refers to #7

so, why not then make yr. knowledge into sth. useful? eg. a local server browser? preferably as a plugin to qstat :)

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#9: Re: Oh wow...

by Thalion on 05/03/2004 20:17, refers to #8

Ahh. Never completed it - what I wanted to do was to make CubeCTF compatible with normal Cube clients - so that you could run a CubeCTF server, and it could host normal games as well. Then I just didn't have time to complete it (as well as CubeCTF itself) - and frankly, I still don't.

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#10: Hmm...

by Pxtl on 05/03/2004 20:22

While technically legal, that wouldn't be a very nice thing to do to Aard, who made the source fork different for a good reason. Unless he agreed to allow you to close your hacked version of CubeCTF.

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#11: Re: Hmm...

by Thalion on 05/04/2004 14:48, refers to #10

Well, to ask him, I'd have to make it working first, won't I? =)

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#12: ..

by D4RK3_54B3R on 05/05/2004 01:27

... well since you're talking about CubeCTF I might as well ask, where can I download it?

and now on topic

I think I've encountered this cheat before because yesterday I was playing instagib mode with a few other people and it took me about 5 shots to kill this one guy... probably my lag/ping...

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#13: Re: ..

by jcdpc on 05/05/2004 01:35, refers to #12

for CTF. cheating is bad.

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#14: Re: Oh yeah...

by Chattanoo on 05/11/2004 07:34, refers to #1

I dont know how to reproduce it, but i know the invulnerability bug doesnt require that u even know a trick.

The 2nd or 3rd time i joined a game i was invulnerable, and i didnt do anything (to my knowledge) to cause that.

Every other game i have joined since has worked fine.

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#15: same here

by scaR on 05/24/2004 05:45

I joined a game once and I was invulnerable. Once I noticed what was going on I quit, reloaded and it was back to normal.

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#16: on ctf...

by entrunner7 on 08/31/2004 02:37

i downloaded the cube ctf from the place jcdpc mentioned, but am having some problems...

is there a way to permenately adjust my mouse sensitivety, fps, and music (which is oddly absent) in cube ctf? having to type in the adjustment lines for the first two and set winamp playing for the last is a less than ideal solution for me.

also, is it supposed to create that text document talking about unknown map stuff? i think it's a record of all the commands it runs...

thanks regardless

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#17: Re: on ctf...

by pushplay on 08/31/2004 04:04, refers to #16

I don't know what mod you're referring to, but I bet it comes with a manual which can be rtf'ed.

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#18: who cares

by Cymdeithas on 08/31/2004 04:22

who cheats in a first person online game unless thier total idiots... the point of playing a 1st first person shooter online is to frag and be fragged... and all cheaters who would cheat... you're F$sking stupid... i suggest you put down those cheesies, go to the bar, and attempt to find a girl friend...

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#19: Re: on ctf...

by entrunner7 on 08/31/2004 04:48, refers to #17

unforetuneately, the manuel txt was not helpful in any way shape or form. it told me how to play ctf, that it could be played online using /mode 11, and that switching teams was bad. it was all so irrelevant i wonder if it's the right txt, maybe they forgot to replace an old manuel with the new one...

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#20: Re: on ctf...

by pushplay on 09/01/2004 02:56, refers to #19

That's thalion's ctf then. Mine was secured against all that screwing around.

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