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Has anyone been receiving more spam or virus threats?

by MitaMan on 04/30/2004 22:31, 53 messages, last message: 05/17/2004 05:07, 18927 views, last view: 05/05/2024 13:56

From MitaMAN,
This may seem a strange place to talk about this but I really need to know. I'm fairly new to CUBE, been coming to this forum only since january 2004. I never had trouble with spam, attached viruses, returned mail that I never sent, etc... until I started coming to this forum. Every day I get tons of "fake" email with viruses in attachements. Thank goodness my ISP checks for this along with the preventive stuff I do. Nothing bad has happened to my computer but, I feel someone, somehow has stolen my cyber identity from this forum. My surfing habits have not changed (except for CUBE), I don't visit porn or crack sites.
Does anyone have a similar problem? I enjoy coming here to read what you guys say and to post my own opinions. I never could have made my (3) maps without the information on this forum.
Am I crazy to suspect I've been "violated" on this forum? Any opinions?

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#34: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 05/02/2004 13:16, refers to #33

even the mac becomes a bad choice if you install internet explorer or MS office on it... you at least obtain macro viruses "compatibility" :p

...but at least OSX has a unix base so if you don't install any MS software on it you'll be safer than on windows

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#35: Re: damn small big cube

by D.plomat on 05/02/2004 13:27, refers to #28

It was just some idea i'm thinking of, but i've downloaded both a damn small linux and a knoppix and intend to play with them. already have a bit of experience with building tiny linuxes from scratch. So eventually if i find knoppix very easy to modify i can use it as a base (because DSL uses a reducted X server that doesn't support OpenGL so i'll need to use a reducted version of Knoppix). For now i don't have much time available, but if modifying Knoppix is very easy i might give it a try.

Anyway making a package with all maps, mods, models, textures etc would be a good thing since the 'BigCube' project isn't anymore active it would be cool to make that BigCube back, even without the bootable CD.

Then when we have a bootable small linux with GL support, making DSBC is just packaging the two projects together :)

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#36: Re: ..

by Thalion on 05/02/2004 13:36, refers to #18

I don't trust Windows firewalls... not long ago there was a major security hole in one of the well-known ones (don't remember which, but it is really a big player), which allowed for remote xploiting with administrator privileges.

No, thank you, I'll keep my FreeBSD =)

Getting back from OT, how about a bootable Linux CD with Cube + all the maps + all mods which have Linux versions on it? You know, kinda like Gentoo UT2003 LiveCD =)

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#37: Re: damn small big cube

by jcdpc on 05/02/2004 13:52, refers to #35

autrun scripts are really easy to do just copy and paste em from another cd and put in your program name.

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#38: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 05/02/2004 13:55, refers to #36

Yeah, that's exactly what we're thinking about with DSBC

As none of those bootable CD distros uses OpenGL, the missing piece is some script to modprobe all modules for every kind of OpenGL card, then generate the XF86Config on the fly depending on which module was loaded correctly, but that shouldn't be too hard.

About windows "firewalls", same thing for me, i'll keep my tiny Linux box

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#39: Re: damn small big cube

by D.plomat on 05/02/2004 14:00, refers to #37

i was talking about script to auto-create the XF86Config with accelerated 3D... those distros already have very good hw detection script and network-setup, but for graphical mode they only stick to using 2D unaccelerated generic VESA mode to be compatible with every video card.

For DSBC we obviously need this, as a DSBC with only Mesa software 3D (read: <10fps @320x200) would be pointless.

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#40: Re: damn small big cube

by jcdpc on 05/02/2004 14:13, refers to #39

I think dsbc needs it's own thread...
I go do that now.

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#41: knoppix

by Drakker_ on 05/02/2004 16:43

It's really easy to strip knoppix since its debian based. You can remove all the apps, window managers, games, true type and fonts (except the ones cube uses, if they are not compiled in) and a very basic X server. You dont even need a window manager, X can start cube right away. Just keep the stuff that allows to write to fat32 and ext* partitions so people can actualy save games and their configs.

With dpkg and apt-get remove, someone could do it in a few hours, since it will tell you about dependencies, you wont even have to bother with it. The harder part is to not break the knoppix auto detection, but there's ample doc as far as I know on their website.

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#42: Re: knoppix

by D.plomat on 05/02/2004 17:22, refers to #41

I never used a debian, but this should be a good pretext to learn using apt-get ;)

I read somewhere they removed the debian package database from Knoppix to save space, but they make it available for download to this purpose.

Also for now by just looking at what i have in /proc, mount, lsmod etc i still don't understand fully how to remake a knoppix with the compressed fs and all, so i'll go reading on their site. About the ext*, reiserfs and vfat partitions modules, i want to keep them, they don't take much space, and allows cool things. Eventually i thought that it would be cool to allow this tiny-distro to be useable also for USB-key drives so with write support too. This would probably enforce not using compressed read-only filesystem so that would also make preparing the CD easier. maybe this would be harder, to have it be able of using both read-write on all the filesystem or pure read-only media and ram/disk partitions mounted for writeable areas...

About starting Cube itself in place of the window manager, totally agree with you, this is probably the best solution

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#43: I don't trust Windows firewalls

by pushplay on 05/02/2004 18:37

It doesn't matter if you use windows or bsd, keeping things patched is the difference between secure and not secure.

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#44: thin cube

by hungerburg on 05/02/2004 19:03

pxes.sourceforge.net has a base to build linux thin clients with graphical setup tool. with 11MB you get xfree4, a lot of network and display drivers (not as many as knoppix though, network failed for me on a centrino based laptop). their rpms work well with alien.

I dont know, how hard it was to add ati's and nvidias accelerated drivers. it should not more than double iso size.

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#45: Re: I don't trust Windows firewalls

by Thalion on 05/02/2004 21:08, refers to #43

It does matter because there is quite often a delay between new hole found, and the patch for it released (as was in this case). So, if the security risk is critical (e.g. remote root exploit), this gets really dangerous. And now, Windows (and software for it) has much more critical vulnerabilities found in it...

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#46: Re: thin cube

by Thalion on 05/02/2004 21:11, refers to #44

The real question is, is it _legal_ to add those drivers? Okay, so there is a free driver for ATI cards, but even that doesn't work with anything above Radeon9200; and open-source nVidia drivers don't have accelerated 3D at all. So proprietary drivers are the only option here, but there might be licensing issues; at least, there should be a reason why those drivers aren't distributed with free versions of popular distributions such as RedHat and Mandrake?

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that Gentoo UT2003 LiveCD came with nVidia proprietary drivers on it. So it might not be that bad. But we'd better take care of that.

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#47: Re: thin cube

by D.plomat on 05/02/2004 22:09, refers to #46

Yes, there might be something legal under that, maybe nvidia drivers are in the Gentoo because they're downloaded during the install... curious to know if they're included also on Gentoo CD's?

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#48: Re: thin cube

by Thalion on 05/03/2004 10:44, refers to #47

No, they aren't downloaded. Everything's included, and it's not a CD to install - you just insert it, reboot into it, and UT2003 loads.

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#49: Re: thin cube

by D.plomat on 05/03/2004 11:22, refers to #48

Cool... i was wondering if this live CD wasn't downloading the nvidia driver to a ramdisk before loading it... this would be really in a worst case where the driver author would require it not being repackaged... hopefully we won't have to use this kind of horrible workaround legal bug

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#50: legality

by Drakker_ on 05/04/2004 02:12

There's no more legal hurdle for nVidia drivers. The license says you can package them any way you want. So long as you give the users a notice that by using this driver they are not using free software.

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#51: hacker

by jcdpc. on 05/16/2004 13:30

yep. i got a hacker. his name is

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#52: ..

by jcdpc. on 05/16/2004 13:57

They are

OrgName: PenTeleData Inc.
Address: 540 Delaware Ave.
City: Palmerton
StateProv: PA
PostalCode: 18071
Country: US

its a telephone company! dammit. i can't find out who it is i guess...

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#53: ..

by anhedonic on 05/17/2004 05:07

Try using 0spam.com its pretty good.

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