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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by Stefanz on 03/23/2004 17:08, 7 messages, last message: 03/27/2004 20:37, 935 views, last view: 04/22/2024 21:40

When I place a trigger in my map, and save, then load, then pick up the trigger, nothing happens??? How do I make an wall go open???

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#1: ..

by >driAn<. on 03/23/2004 21:48

please read this file:

happy mapping =)

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#2: Simple.

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 03/25/2004 01:31


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#3: ..

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 03/25/2004 01:32

Simple... You just select the wall you want to disappear when you hit the trigger... and give it a tag of the same number as the trigger, eg: Trigger 1, Tag 1.

(sry, double post)

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#4: How?

by Stefanzz on 03/27/2004 16:31

How do I set that tag then, coz it still don't work... why not? How do I set tag?

(I'm sorry for my other account, but it won't give my cookie back :S)

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#5: I don't get it... I tried everything!

by Stefanzz on 03/27/2004 16:33

Please help me with it!

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#6: Let's sort this out..mostly from the readme

by Bascule on 03/27/2004 20:01

1. Make a doorway in your map
2. Select (ie click and drag across the squares in edit mode) all of the cubes that you want to be 'solid' when the door is closed. This will not be seen until you reload/edittoggle the map
3. Once selected, bring up the menu (ESC) and go to editing...> set tag... and pick 'set tag 1' (or one of the other numbers, but remember which number it was...)
4. Select a square that the player must walk over to open the door
5. Once selected, bring up the menu (ESC) and go to editing...> insert entity at selection corner..> trigger...> and pick 'newent trigger 1 0'
6. That's it! When you go out of edit mode, there will be a carrot in the map, that when touched opens the door.

If you want any more, it's all in the readme:

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#7: Thanx!!!

by Stefanzz on 03/27/2004 20:37

Thank you!!!

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