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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by KGIBBS12 on 06/03/2023 23:16, 1 messages, last message: 03/17/2024 20:52, 332 views, last view: 05/05/2024 09:57

So I’ll keep this short and sweet, I am solely on here to find out just exactly how I can get started on my list of priorities for this engine so I’ll list my priorities in numbered format.

1. I need to know how to remove weapons and have a magic system only (I DOOOO NOT WANT TO SEE PISTOLS, RIFLES, etc.)

2. I need to know how to put previous 2d models into a possible 3D texture for this game with the same character skins from the past.

3. Red Eclipse seems to have there on browser and server based from this client, if there is anyway to do something similar for my endeavor with the cube 2 engine anyones advice or expertise is appreciated.

4. Would like to have the players speed slightly slowed down for optimal gameplay with casted magic, mobility spells, signs, etc

5. If it’s possible to make a character fly in game would like to know the references on how to do so.

Everyone I am very patient and typed this up quickly, anything that could even remotely help me achieve these things would help drastically. Enjoy your lives and get back with me when you can! Thanks!

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by Nixot on 03/17/2024 20:52


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