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i am never gonna find time to code this

by thebeautifulcaptainlightning on 03/05/2022 07:45, 0 messages, last message: 03/05/2022 07:45, 135 views, last view: 05/04/2024 02:23, closed on 03/12/2022 07:29

i have an idea for a fps game. it involves each player having three gun attachments. one deals damage, one heals, one interferes. players would change attachments quickly in game 123. each attachment would have its own ammo supply, that slowly regens over time. damage ammo will also be gained from interference gun hits. healing ammo would be gained by being close to teammates. int ammo gained from damage gun hits. then three nades, 3 melee, and 5 skills, to choose from.
idk its just ideas right now. i have one complete game on kongregate, and this doesnt seem to difficult to turn into a mod. i just have ideas and not time right now. anyways
heres the quick notes i wrote to save the ideas.
3 types gun attachments each player can choose one of each attachment before the start of the game

1 fast fire. quick repetitive attack with low damage
2 bubble. spread shots bubbles that expand deal damage to target when it touches it and pops. when it pops a small aoe will dmg with in a short range.
3 flame thrower a cone attack with damage over time.
4 medium fire laser that returns ammo on hit.
5 delay fire slow moving high damage rockets
6 lobbers aoe can bounce of walls and explode on impact with enemy or after timer of 3 seconds
7 sniper hold to charge high damage headshot kills on small targets.
1 constant line of sight aura around a player
2 aoe on player targeted player shares healing with nearby teammates.
3 big blast heals one player back to full health
4 aoe on area will heals all allies with area lobber
5 chain will pass from teammate to teammate each absorbing max 50% of remaining healing. until it cant each another player or max of 4. the last player will receive remain energy.
6 fog showers a cone healing spray that heals any ally that is in it area until it dissipates
7 quick heal a fast fire low heal shot
1 planted shield. a higher powered shield can be reabsorbed to regain energy
2 projected shield. shoots bubbles to block enemy shots
3 interference array. healing and damage a cone attack the reduces enemy healing and damage out by 50%
4 scramble vision. give enemy play distorted vision that increases with each hit medium fire rate. three shots for max distortion.
5 lob block. heals negates any healing in the area of the exploding ball. function same as other lobbers.
6 shield eater drains nearby shields of power and use the to heal allies in near by area.
7 slow reduces enemy player movement speed

each player gets choice of a melee attack
push away will knock enemy in opposite direction of hit with a mild stun. .4 seconds
high damage is high damage
vampiric will drain hp from enemy and heal player

choose 1 of 3 grenades
heal will heal allies in an area a single large amount
damage will damage enemies in an area a single large amount
interrupt stuns. will stun one enemy for 1 second

1 of 5 skills
mimic level 1 gain enemy shield code increase damage. lvl2 change enemy player shields for friendly fire lvl3 enemy gets .4 seconds of scramble vision then sees all friendlies and takes friendly fire
speed boost 1 self speed boost. 2nd team speed boost. 3rd team speed boost with heal
teleport 1st dual portals anyone can walk through. 2nd self teleport line of sight. 3rd enemy team teleported up twice their height
invulnerable 1st self invisible. 2nd self invul. 3rd team invul
revive 1st single player revive. 2nd aoe heal and revive. 3rd enemy revive cancel
these will charge up over time and from hits from the gun at levels equal to effect caused.

damage ammo is gained from disrupt gun hits. also over time
heal ammo is gained from being close to allies.
disrupt is gained from damage gun hits and time

if it gives anyone new ideas great if not then fooey. thanks for reading and heres a link to game https://www.kongregate.com/games/pickleMEstupid/ms-pacmanfps-peppers-maze

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