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C++ Query!

by ArjunKumar on 07/17/2019 08:42, 1 messages, last message: 07/26/2019 08:30, 1192 views, last view: 05/05/2024 11:33

Hello Everyone, Can anyone suggest me where can I start learning C++ programming. Any suggestion for online book or tutorial? Or I can continue with offline institute.

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#1: C++ Query

by rohanjoshi0894 on 07/26/2019 08:30

I started learning C 4 years ago around January . Back then, I knew nothing about the language and had to start from scratch. I guess same is the case with you (anything additional is a bonus) so I will just narrate what I did and I believe that will clear all your doubts.

In college, like everyone else, I also got a lot of suggestions to watch NPTEL videos to start learning. I did that for around 2 weeks and that proved to be just a waste of time because you can never have that confidence which you achieve after completing a book.

Later, I picked up one book , Programming in ANSI C by E Balagurusamy. It’s a good book to build a strong basic knowledge about the language but you can choose any book of your choice because they all teach the same thing.That’s stage I where you plan about what and how you are going to achieve your goal.

After that, I started reading the book setting the target of one chapter a day(More was allowed but not less). I tried to remember the theory part as much possible but I focused more on the coding. I made sure that I practice all the codes given as example in the book. You can understand most of the codes with the help of the theory but for some,I had to consult video lectures.Step by step I completed the book.That’s stage 2 where you have an idea about most of the topics but you remember a little.

Now comes the last and the most important stage, where you master what you learnt.I did that in two parts.First, I picked up some simple projects from the internet like making a guess game or a tic-tac-toe game and tried to write the complete code on my own.Undoubtedly, I took the help of internet where I stuck and couldn’t find any way out.This practice helped in learning many new things about the language which books couldn’t teach but didn’t helped much in mastering it.

Secondly, I registered on a programming website, Hackr.io (https://hackr.io/tutorials/learn-C) and started practicing there and that was a real game changer(there are a lot of websites available like hackr.io i.e. HackerRank , HackerEarth etc and you can choose any of them. Also, there is website called hackr.io for and that too is very useful for learning the key concepts in less time). By practicing and taking part in contests on these websites, your skills will increase exponentially. You can ask your doubts in the discussion section and receive a variety of great solutions to the same problem.Sometimes, you can simply read the discussion section and that alone will help you learn a lot of things.

Lastly, I want to say that these practices works only if you are dedicated and passionate towards the cause.

For Good Books You can just read this post: https://hackr.io/blog/10-best-c-cpp-books

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