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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Blender MD5 Import/Export

by pink-vertex on 10/05/2016 20:25, 3 messages, last message: 11/07/2016 17:43, 2613 views, last view: 04/16/2024 02:17


i just wanted to post an updated blender addon for md5mesh/md5anim files, which works with 2.77a here.

The github link is:

If you plan to add new player models you have to compile cube 2 from the source code :/

In src/fpsgame/render.cpp add the new folders and increase the array size.

In data/game_fps.cfg increase playermodelnum and add the corresponding entries at the end of the file.

Alternativley you can also copy/backup the folder of an existing playermodel and replace some of the files, you want to change.


I could not figure out yet, how all of the configuration commands in the md5.cfg config files translate to blender.

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#1: ..

by chasester on 10/19/2016 05:04

md5.cfg files arent that hard to set up. Im glad some one updated this cuz the old one only worked with older version of blender. So it was annoying trying to get new models to port to md5.

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#2: Message censored by administrator

by aasara on 10/23/2016 11:16

#3: ..

by pink-vertex on 11/07/2016 17:43

A blend file containing all hudguns of captaincannon can be downloaded here:

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