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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

New Music

by marcpullen2 on 08/13/2016 08:06, 4 messages, last message: 12/25/2018 05:42, 3133 views, last view: 04/13/2024 01:02

If anyone would like some new music for Sauerbraten, I just finished a new set of 15 tracks similar in style to Two Minute Warning (which was in an older release of Sauer a while back). I wrote the current music back in 2008, so I figured it was about time for something new. I wrote the music for the original DOOM game engines and with Sauer in mind as well.

I have some good quality OGGs that are about 32 MB in size.

I'm not sure who maintains the releases anymore, but let me know if you are interested in refreshing the music to something new.

For those interested, you can listen to it here:


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#1: ..

by hypernova on 08/15/2016 14:17

This would be great for the next Sauer release! I've heard that people would like a new set of soundtracks for Sauer. I also hear that a release is coming up.. sometime :)

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#2: ..

by eihrul on 08/16/2016 04:26

I'll look into it.

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#3: ..

by marcpullen2 on 01/03/2017 19:31

I also just finished another 31 songs for a new album, you are welcome to use any or all of these as well.

Album is called Frosseri:


If you want any of those or or Doomed as OGG or MP3, let me know and I can set it up for you to download.

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#7: Re: ..

by Lissandragaren3 on 12/25/2018 05:42, refers to #2

Hi there, I am too

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