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Weapon reload

by vinny on 04/01/2015 07:06, 7 messages, last message: 04/07/2015 18:45, 1765 views, last view: 05/05/2024 03:25

Does anyone know where i can find a good weapon reload script for Sauerbraten?

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#1: ..

by Papriko on 04/01/2015 18:12

What do you mean with "reload"?

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#2: ..

by suicizer03 on 04/01/2015 20:16

Execute "/kill" in the command-line and all your weapons will have ammo again in insta, efficiency and even tactics (plus their respective team-modes).

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#3: ..

by vinny on 04/02/2015 00:38

Sorry, i wasn't very clear: i mean having the concept of clips and reloading those clips into the weapon. I searched on Quadropolis and could not find anything.

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#4: Re: ..

by suicizer03 on 04/02/2015 00:49, refers to #3

You can't except just picking ammunition off the ground in Free For All, Teamplay (or any variants on those) and Coop-edit.

Being able to call up ammo in any other mode than Coop-edit is often considered as cheating in the official version of Sauerbraten.

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#5: ..

by raz on 04/02/2015 02:49

This would imply changing how the weapons work in the game. You can't really expect to find a script that changes the gameplay like that..

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#6: Re: ..

by hypernova^ on 04/02/2015 15:11, refers to #5

Since so much in Sauerbraten is run clientside, you could actually mod your sauer to add weapon reloads without cheating; since no one else has it, it would actually put you at a disadvantage :) However, no one else would see/hear you reloading.

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#7: ..

by Galante on 04/07/2015 18:45


talking about Cube script, as many already stated, weapon reload is not possible.

Talking about source code modifications, you can obviously code it yourself, if you have a fair knowledge of C/C++. Else you can take a look at the popular Cube 2 Sauerbraten mod Red Eclipse (www.redeclipse.net), where all the guns have the concept of clips and reload.
Another Cube 2 mod you can look for in this case is Tersafari (airstrafe.com/tersafari/), where the pistol can be reloaded when the clips expired. The advantage with Tersafari is that its source code is much similar to Sauerbraten one; anyway, I didn't explore it too much, so I can't tell you if reloading works correctly, but I assume it does.

If you really want this in Sauerbraten, even if you are aware of it being a disadvantage over other players, you can import the same codes these mods/games have in your own source code ("src" folder in your Cube 2 directory), and compile under your system, if you have the possibility to do this.
Pay attention, exporting and importing things from other games that use the same engine is easier that coding it yourself, but a little C/C++ knowledge is always required.

Anyway, I personally prefer picking up ammo boxes instead of reloading CoD style when it comes to arena fpses, since it's much better, correct me if I'm wrong. But obviously, you are free to do whatever you want...


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