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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Fix classic capture

by nyamms on 11/17/2014 03:06, 6 messages, last message: 11/18/2014 12:10, 1878 views, last view: 05/02/2024 04:51

I'm not sure if the devs work on this game anymore, but I figured it's better to complain late than never.

The change from 10s to 5s respawn has ruined the capture mode.

It might not sound like much, but where a kill used to mean you could get something done before your enemy respawned, it is now almost worthless.

It has tipped the balance to the point where it's usually more advantageous to suicide than to restock, because not only do you spawn with a full GA, you also get two ammo packs on top which are hard to come by.

Anyone who has played both the original capture mode with 10s respawn and the new one with 5s should know what I'm talking about.

No pub games play the mode anyway because regen is much more noob-friendly. The change has done nothing to popularize the mode, if that was the intention.

At least do the vets who enjoyed it a favor and restore it to what it used to be. Nobody who bothers to play this mode is too impatient to deal with a 10s respawn.

Maybe we can have a capture league again. Please fix it.

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#1: ..

by suicizer03 on 11/17/2014 06:31

+1 for me.

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#2: ..

by hypernova^ on 11/17/2014 18:41

+10, I think this should be done for regen capture as well.

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#3: ..

by suicizer03 on 11/17/2014 23:47

And what if the capture time would be halved also?

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#4: Re: ..

by Pyccna on 11/18/2014 03:14, refers to #3

Or change it so the capture skips the neutral team when recapturing bases from the enemy team.

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#5: Re: ..

by nyamms on 11/18/2014 11:53, refers to #3

Changing core values of a game or mode by even just a little bit can have a huge impact on the way the game plays. Throwing in big factors like halving the respawn-time or halving the capture time completely transforms the way the game-mode plays, and most likely not for the better.

There was never a need to half the time for this and that because "things take too long". Just use what worked for years before, because I can tell you people used to enjoy playing capture back then.

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#6: Re: ..

by nyamms on 11/18/2014 12:10, refers to #4

The neutral capture phase adds some depth to the strategic potential of a capture game that would be lost without it, especially when playing with more than two teams.

For team A, sometimes it's wiser to let team B finish converting team C's base to neutral and attack them after, instead of attacking first and trying to convert the base yourself.

Staying around an enemy base just long enough to convert it to neutral and then leave it for a moment so you can save your own base in the mean time is a risky decision, because someone else might use the opportunity while you're busy, but it might pay off.

Seeing three teams fight over a neutral base is also fun.

Is there a specific reason why you think removing situations like these and turning a capture effort into what's almost a done deal would be a good idea?

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