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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Main menu, "Editing..." absent

by amism on 09/17/2014 15:23, 3 messages, last message: 09/27/2014 23:14, 1203 views, last view: 05/03/2024 07:32

It's been a couple of years since I worked with Cube 2. I remember having a version with an editing selection in the very first menu. Now, I don't see that option, either in Linux Mint's Software manager version, or in the version downloaded directly from the Sauerbraten site. I've tried to research this, but I keep getting sausage recipes or no information at all. Is there something I need to tweek or replace?

Thank You

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#1: ..

by Galante on 09/27/2014 17:35

As far as I remember, there's no "editing.." button in the main menu. The editing button appears when you're really in edit mode. To start editing, just choose bot match..->start match..->coop-edit->map name.
Remember to set bot amount to 0, if you don't want anyone to annoy you.
Or just type "/edit mapname" in the console.

Hope I helped.

Cheers, Galante. :)

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#2: ..

by Galante on 09/27/2014 17:37

Sorry, the command isn't /edit mapname isn't correct.
It's /coop mapname.

Sorry again,


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#3: ..

by Papriko on 09/27/2014 23:14

In the main screen, you can just use /newmap as well to jump right into edit.

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