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Tweaks in the source code

by chark on 09/29/2013 00:35, 29 messages, last message: 01/27/2014 18:29, 8485 views, last view: 05/17/2024 01:27

Hello. i wanna share a few source code tweaks.. i'm very noob when it comes to programming so these are just copy-paste from other parts of sauer
to fulfill a role and they concern ctf sounds and a few changes to rifle trail. also i'm not gonna include some sauerbraten.exe cause i messed
my source at some point and water rendering is messed up in my game and i dont remember what i messed up :P oh you must compile the game
for these to work. if you're on windows download (if you're on linux or mac.. good luck :P no idea)
code::blocks (http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads) no idea which one is needed, i got mingw-setup.exe
and tdm64-gcc (http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/download)
once u install both open code::blocks and click settings->compiler. go to the Toolchain executables tab and point the Compiler's installation directory
to wherever u installed tdm64-gcc, e.g C:Program FilesMinGW64. Below that delete the prefixes of (mingw32-) was it? dont remember.. so you're left with gcc.exe g++.exe, g++.exe. (not sure if you have to do this last part, i just read it in some tutorial). then open sauerbraten directorysrcvcppsauerbraten.cbp with code blocks
and you're set!

Now to the tweaks.. the ctf sounds. i added different sounds for red and blue flag drops, returns, captures, and stolen. (personally i stole the ones from xonotic
cuz i like them :)) but you can use whatever you want. i'm not gonna give some link for you to download them cuz i've seen some folks in quadropolis
very uptight about licences and stuff, and since i couldnt care less about licences i just wont bother.

go to srcfpsgamegame.h at around line 170 you'll find
scroll down to where it says
now, you either add 4 (or 5 if you want different FLAG_RESET) more lines underneath them or above them like this (random names you can pick whatever you want (no spaces))
S_REDPICKUP, // this is gonna be the sound pointer to the red flag stolen announcement
S_REDDROP, // this to red flag dropped.. etc
obviously the already existing ones are gonna be used for the BLUE announcements respectively.
Then go to fpsentctf.h at around line 464 where it says
and fill it with the ones you added in game.h like this:
Next search for "playsound" without quotes in code::blocks to get a general list about the lines we'll need to change in ctf.h
the first hit is:
which is the sound that plays when a flag drops! now you can either comment this line like this
and write the new one below or above it, or replace it with the new one which is:

playsound(flags[i].team==ctfteamflag(player1->team) ? S_FLAGDROP : S_REDDROP);

Trivia: if the statement-comparison in parentheses before the question mark is true, then it plays the sound S_FLAGDROP which we assigned (in our heads) to be for
the blue flag, otherwise it plays the sound S_REDDROP.

You're gonna do the same with all playsound lines in ctf.h except for the line 869:
playsound(team==ctfteamflag(player1->team) ? S_FLAGSCORE : S_FLAGFAIL);

in which you're just gonna change the corresponsing sounds. (S_FLAGSCORE for blue score and the other for red score).

Your sounds are stored in your sauerbraten directorypackagessounds
that is where sounds.cfg reads the location of sounds.. eg registersound "ctf/flagpickup" means there is a sound named flagpickup.wav in sauerbraten directorypackagessoundsctf
Next you open your sauerbraten directorydatasounds.cfg and scroll down to where it says:

registersound "ctf/flagpickup" //sound for blue flag pickup
registersound "ctf/flagdrop" //sound for blue flag drop.. etc
registersound "ctf/flagreturn"
registersound "ctf/flagscore"
registersound "ctf/flagreturn"

Then you replace the "flagpickup, flagdrop, flagreturn..." part with the name of the new sound file.
Afterwards you add these lines right below it (IF you added them in the order i mention before in game.h)
assuming you have sounds named redpickup.wav, reddrop.wav, etc... in your sauerbraten directorypackagessoundsctf otherwise replace accordingly.

registersound "ctf/redpickup" //sound for red flag pickup
registersound "ctf/reddrop" //sound for red flag drop.. etc
registersound "ctf/redreturn"
registersound "ctf/redscore"
registersound "ctf/redreturn"

And thats all about the sounds! Now about the rifle trail tweaks...

open srcfpsgameweapons.cpp and go to line 627:

particle_trail(PART_SMOKE, 500, hudgunorigin(gun, from, to, d), to, 0x404040, 0.6f, 20);

Here you can change some qualities of the particle trail of the rifle (smoke trail). Now i'll explain a few things:
--the first slot (PART_SMOKE) i'm not sure what it is.. i think it points to a smoke.png where it is spiraled around the axis of your gun->target. Maybe you can change it to something like PART_FLAME or PART_SNOW if you like.
--the second slot (500) is the duration of the smoke before it dissapears from the moment you fire in milliseconds, tweak to your liking!
--the third and fourth slots (hudgunorigin(gun, from, to, d)), to) we'll ignore cuz i dunno what they do and i dont think there is anything to tweak here :P
--the fifth slot is the color of the smoke! 0x[RED][GREEN][BLUE] 2 digits per color(0-9 and then A=10,B=11,C=12,D=13,E=14,F=15) google for "hex colors" to find something you like or.. stay tuned for random!
--the sixth slot is the diameter of the smoke and you can tweak it in this format: x.yf where x,y numbers of your choice.
and the last is the gravity.. dunno if anyone noticed (i hadnt until i changed it) for positive numbers the trail goes down, 0 = no gravity and negative numbers smoke goes up.

if you want random colors (yay!) you add this code below the "case GUN_RIFLE:" line 625

char bufferrr[15];
long kk = rnd(16777216);
itoa(kk, bufferrr, 16); //i think this converts integers from decimal form to their hexademical

Not sure what this does programmatically speaking.. but it gives us random colors! so replace the fifth slot (the one with the 0xFFFFFF with the variable kk
and you and everyone else gets random colors with every shot!

of course you, like me, may want just different smoke colors for your team and the enemy team.
add this code below the "case GUN_RIFLE:" line 625

int teamsmoke;
(isteam(d->team, player1->team)) ? popo=0x0789FC : popo=0xFC0907;

Comment out the previous code (for random colors) and replace in the fifth slot the variable teamsmoke

Want 3 smokes, one in middle one going up and one going down? copy the particle_trail.... line and paste it below it 2 times. change the last slot (gravity) to
-20, 0, 20 one in each line.
Maybe you like to shoot lightnings? we borrow the pistol ray trail and tweak it.
Comment out the particle_trail line.
copy paste right above or below it this line:

particle_flare(hudgunorigin(gun, from, to, d), to, 600, PART_STREAK, 0xFFC864, 0.28f);

you can tweak it just like the particle_trail if you want. and if you want the lightning replace the PART_STREAK with PART_LIGHTNING and remove the last slot like this
0xFFC864, 0.28f); ----> 0xFFC864); because it messes things up if you use the lightning.

Thats all folks maybe some day i search how to make these changeable by GUI but i'm probably lazy. cheers
oh and get the sauerfr mod it rox.

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#1: cool stuff

by suicizer01 on 09/29/2013 11:09

Seems like some nice features (which I actually always wanted to be included). I'm thinking off trying so.

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#2: colors in gui

by chark on 09/30/2013 22:02

Back to add some of these in a gui, (the colors) some of them flawed as i'll explain.
But first a few comments: if you're to get sauerfr get it before applying these things cause it has modifired source code too.
cant edit posts in this forum? wtf
the forum deleted my backslashes

add these in fpsgame/weapon.cpp above "void shoteffects" where it has the lines.
change the order if you care :P

VARP(muzzleflash, 0, 1, 1); //already exists
VARP(muzzlelight, 0, 1, 1); //already exists

VARP(teamcolorrays, 0, 0, 1); // =(name we use as variable, min value of said variable, current value, max value
HVARP(teamcolorblue, 0x000000, 0x0789FC, 0xFFFFFF); //H before VARP stands for Hexadecimal ie it handles hexes
HVARP(teamcolorred, 0x000000, 0xFC0907, 0xFFFFFF);
VARP(randomcolor, 0, 1, 1);
VARP(lightnin, 0, 1, 1);
VARP(laserpewpew, 0, 0, 1);
HVARP(colorchoice, 0x000000, 0xA9E98D, 0xFFFFFF);
VARP(smokez, 0, 1, 1);
VARP(trailsize, 20, 1001, 1000);

Now, inside "case GUN_RIFLE:" (below it)

float tsarr = (trailsize/100);
long popo;
char bufferrr[15];
popo = rnd(16777216);
itoa(popo, bufferrr, 16);
else if(teamcolorrays)
(isteam(d->team, player1->team)) ? popo=teamcolorblue : popo=teamcolorred;
else if(colorchoice)
particle_splash(PART_SPARK, 200, 250, to, 0xB49B4B, 0.24f, 150);
particle_flare(hudgunorigin(gun, from, to, d), to, 1000, PART_LIGHTNING, popo, 0.85f); // Default: 600, PART_STREAK, 0xFFC864, 0.28f
if(laserpewpew) // Pistol trail
particle_flare(hudgunorigin(gun, from, to, d), to, 1200, PART_STREAK, popo, 1.25f); // Default 600, PART_STREAK, 0xFFC864, 0.28f
particle_trail(PART_SMOKE, 500, hudgunorigin(gun, from, to, d), to, popo, 0.6f, 20); // Default: PART_SMOKE, 500, 0x404040, 0.6f, 20

And you should comment (put // in front of the lines) your previous particle_splash (untouched just for convenience of copy paste),
particle_flare and particle trail, otherwise you're gonna have 2 of each (maybe you want to! just sayin).

Next open your autoexec.cfg and add these in the beginning or the end (or anywhere if you know what you're doing)

newgui Rifle_Effects [
guitext "Trail size"
guislider trailsize
guicheckbox "Smoke rifle trail" smokez
guicheckbox "Lightning rifle trail" lightnin
guicheckbox "Laser pew pew" laserpewpew
guicheckbox "Random color rays (untick for manual choice)" randomcolor
if (= $randomcolor 0) [
guicheckbox "Team color rays" teamcolorrays
if (&& (= $randomcolor 0) (= $teamcolorrays 0)) [
guicolor ($colorchoice)
guitext "Custom global color rays"
guislider colorchoice
if (&& (= $randomcolor 0) (= $teamcolorrays 1)) [
guitext "Blue team's rays color"
guicolor ($teamcolorblue)
guislider teamcolorblue
guitext "Red team's rays color"
guicolor ($teamcolorred)
guislider teamcolorred
bind "F2" [showgui Rifle_Effects] // F2= key you're gonna press to bring the menu up.

and just hit F2 to bring up the menu in game.
Now.. whats wrong with these:
--Problem 1: The sliders to choose color in the menu, can take 16 million+ values.. so moving it even half a milimeter you lost thousands
of colors, making it VERY impractical. i found some code in menus.cfg which i'll copy paste in case anyone can figure it out. which has
3 sliders for red green blue and it combines the color for something:

lightcmd = [
result (concat newent light $lightradius $lightr $lightg $lightb)

newgui newlight [
guibutton "sunlight" "newent light 0 255 255 255"
guibutton (lightcmd)
guitext "color:"
guicolor (+ (* (+ (* $lightr 256) $lightg) 256) $lightb)
guislider lightr 0 255
guislider lightg 0 255
guislider lightb 0 255
guilist [
guicheckbox "bright" lightbright 1 0 [lightscale]
guiradio "white" lightcolour 0 [lightset 255 255 255]
guiradio "blue" lightcolour 1 [lightset 192 192 255]
guiradio "red" lightcolour 2 [lightset 255 192 192]
guiradio "green" lightcolour 3 [lightset 192 255 192]
guiradio "yellow" lightcolour 4 [lightset 255 255 192]
guiradio "purple" lightcolour 5 [lightset 255 192 255]
guiradio "turquoise" lightcolour 6 [lightset 192 255 255]
guitext "radius:"
guislider lightradius 0 512

maybe i left something that matters out :P its in sauerbraten folder/data/menus.cfg around line 754
--Problem 2: If i understand correctly sliders can take only integer values. so i had to declare a VARP for integers.
then i divide that number with.. say 100 and i save it in a float variable, and it works. So the problem is if the float variable takes a value
below 1 the trails dissapear and i dont know why.
In the code what i'm talking about is:

VARP(trailsize, 20, 1001, 1000); // declare the integer to take values from the slider
float tsarr = (trailsize/100); //divide that integer by 100 to get a float number around numbers 0.x-10

i didnt use tsarr to make it changeable ingame cause imo values >1 make the trails too big.
if you wanna try it just replace the float number ending with f in the particle_x lines, with tsarr.
or.. tell me what i did wrong :P
use these things as you like, dont care if you claim them as your own or dont mention me or anything, just wanna share.

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#3: Re: colors in gui

by raz on 10/01/2013 19:37, refers to #2

I guess the issue with declaring values close to 0 and below 1 in floats is why the trail disappears. Or maybe anything less than 1 is considered as a 0 so it can be turned off, like a switch.

I've no idea how it works though, so i'll just shut up.

Why are you making all of these anyway?

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#4: Re: colors in gui

by chark on 10/03/2013 20:50, refers to #3

i dont think thats it but thx for trying :P
i'm making all these cause i searched for them and couldnt find them anywhere. So i learned a few basics about c++ programming, scoured the sauerbraten code for functions simliar to what i wanna do, found them and adjusted them.

And now that i've done it i wanna share it in case someday someone searches for it.

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#5: Plasma gun

by [AP]Sniperz on 10/04/2013 20:38

Hello guys,

I'm learning C++ right now and I am adding some simple features to Sauerbraten, but I have a question about adding a turning the rifle into a plasma gun. I basically changed the rifle guninfo in game.h to something suitable for a plasma gun:

{ S_PLASMA, 80, 35, 0, 800, 5, 1024, 1, 20, 12, 0, "rifle", "rifle", PART_FIREBALL3 },



and in weapon.cpp on line 620 I added case GUN_RIFLE: along with the fire/ice/slimeball.

It fires the slimeballs correctly and works completely against monsters, and against bots it shows the damage effects (pain animation, blood), but they don't take any damage. Again, I'm still learning C++ so if you guys could tell me what's wrong with this I would be grateful.

- Sniperz

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#6: ..

by chark on 10/10/2013 20:38

Hi, dunno if i'm late but.. i tried what you said and it indeed does no damage. Then i changed the projspeed (800) to 0 in

{ S_PLASMA, 80, 35, 0, 800, 5, 1024, 1, 20, 12, 0, "rifle", "rifle", PART_FIREBALL3 },

and now there is damage. so i'm guessing rifle is coded to be instant.

Then again.. i'm a noob too in programming :)

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#7: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 10/11/2013 00:13, refers to #6

As only the grenade and rocket launcher aren't doing damage instantly, my best guess is to use that as base for a plasmagun.

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#8: Re: ..

by [AP]Sniperz on 10/12/2013 13:06, refers to #7

Thanks guys for your responses.

I've tried turning the rocket into a plasma gun but I kind of like the rocket :) and the grenade launcher has a drop/gravity effect and doesn't explode on impact, so I had tried to put the plasma gun in the same projectile class as the fire/ice/slimeball, but there seems to be some difference whether or not a weapon is effective against bots/other players vs. monsters.

It seems as though Sauerbraten could really use an energy weapon, as practically all games in the same genre do, but that's just me. Thanks again.


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#9: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 10/12/2013 17:06, refers to #8

I'm sure there is a thread about adding your own weapon into the game (perhaps in the wikipages)...

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#10: more stuff

by chark on 11/06/2013 03:07

Hello again, i added more options and polished the menu. windows download, screenshots and source code links at the end.
i managed to squeeze everything in one tab (in the menu)
notes: removed xcode folder from source because its 70 mb, no idea if its needed for mac people.
if you download the zip, you start the game from sauerbraten_colors.bat. also, i set the sound.cfg to load from someMod/sound.cfg folder to minimize overwritting stuff (in main.cpp)
if you use the code in the zip, search in the project for "extra code begins here" and/or "extra code ends here"
also you need to get your own sounds for flag drops, returns etc. they're set to default sounds in someMod/sounds.cfg
if you already have an autoexec.cfg dont overwrite it, just copy the contents to yours... but if you have, you probably already know that :P

known bugs/problems: when playing with bots and the flag is picked by one of them, the game sometimes crashes, nothing in the log, just closes the game
if anyone figures out why please share :)
when you open the menu for first time all sliders for colors are at 0 and because of that an error is spammed: unknown alias lookup: bla.
so move all color sliders to something other than zero and restart game.. or dont, just dont play with bots until you do :P

the friend notifier i mention in the code is disabled in the zip cause you must put the name of your friend in the source, maybe if i learn
stuff about strings.. i might make a better one. by the way it notifies if friend enters/is on the same server as you.
tbh i dont know why there isnt such a thing in the official ;/

as i said feel free to do whatever you want with it

source code: http://pastebin.com/Jh9bRDpe
menu screenshots: http://postimg.org/image/r0v2ul4jr/
download: http://www.filedropper.com/colorsnstuffsauerbraten

forgot to mention somewhere, that to install it just unzip in your sauerbraten installation folder

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#11: ..

by raz on 11/06/2013 20:40

If i had to guess, you probably completely forgot to initialise the variables you're getting the error spam with. Anything that tries to access them when they don't exist yet will just report errors.

That is also some horrible cubescript, but you probably don't care, and i also don't feel like helping with that, so there.

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#12: ..

by chark on 11/07/2013 21:02

What i dont know is how to initialize the variables ONCE. The way it is now they are initialized when you move the slider and they're saved in config.cfg. but the contents of autoexec are executed every time you start the game (or thousands of times if initialized in newgui [ ], while the menu is open) resetting the values to the initialized ones.

I realised i use a variable in 2 places when its intended for one. Here's a fixed version: http://pastebin.com/pH1kCkAS

to raz:
Whatever "horrible" may mean, you're right i dont give a http://www.gadgetsandgear.com/flying-fuck.html so long as it works. Also if i could write "non horrible code" wouldnt i?
With this attitude i dont want YOU to help me. Now gtfo from here troll, i didnt ask for unconstructive criticism.
Lastly you forgot this is open source, I may not care but others might.

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#13: Re: ..

by Zamwa on 11/08/2013 03:44, refers to #12

Raz is a veteran cubescripter and is well known to be overtoned sometimes with a choice of words amongst the cube community, but Raz is not trolling only trying to help with bug reporting! ;3

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#14: ..

by Zamwa on 11/08/2013 03:45

Oh and cool mod by the way!

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#15: Re: ..

by raz on 11/09/2013 11:08, refers to #12

Well gee, aren't you a person made of matches and lighters.

When i meant i didn't want to help with that, i meant i'm not interested in making it all prettier since you said yourself that it works and from experience most people do not really want to improve on something that just works, so that was it.

So for your variables to be initialised, you'll just run them all through a check, see if they're null, and if they are, give them a starting value. Pretty simple, no?

And oh, non-constructive criticism? Maybe, some days i don't feel like helping people unless asked to. But trolling? Far from it, you should know better.

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#16: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 11/09/2013 12:42, refers to #15

We will alwaysbe asking about cubescript to our script-shaman Razgriz.

Whoops, that's a troll, sorry my bad!

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#17: ..

by chark on 11/09/2013 17:22

This forum has no post count, i see Raz's post and for all i know he just registered to say that. What am i supposed to think? Anyway i take it back.

Now for what you said.. i have no idea how to do that :)

and thx zamwa

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#18: Re: ..

by raz on 11/09/2013 17:55, refers to #17

Actually i had another account but i lost my password and i had to make a dupe since no one would help me get access back to my old one. That's my sad little story :P

And it's rather simple

if (=s (getalias VAR_NAME) "") [ VAR_NAME = VALUE_OF_SOME_SORT ]

You can also use looplist if you feel like it. Oh, and take a peek at this if you want: https://github.com/Hirato/lamiae/wiki/CubeScript

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#19: ..

by chark on 11/10/2013 14:01

Heh coincidence, i meant the contents of the post. I wouldnt know you as razgrir either cause I'm the new guy.

Didnt know you can compare strings wow, actually i didnt know half of whats in that page thx!
updated http://pastebin.com/VrK4qgg0

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#20: Re: ..

by raz on 11/10/2013 14:39, refers to #19

forgot to close the " at the first guitext :P

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