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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

How do I add an exploding barrel?

by pythonscript on 04/14/2013 00:34, 1 messages, last message: 04/14/2013 01:26, 2005 views, last view: 04/30/2024 03:17

I'm using the Justice Edition, which is in the Debian Testing repo. I tried "newent barrel" but nothing shows up. I can place a map model of a barrel, but it never explodes. I'm reading about the entity types in the doc, and it says that something like

newent barrel model_no N W H

should work, but nothing shows up.

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#1: ..

by Papriko on 04/14/2013 01:26

1. Download Collect Edition. Technically not related to your problem, do it anyways.

2. SP mode. There are SP-only entities. They are:
They will ONLY show up in Single Player Campaign mode (/mode -3 or /sp before loading a map).

3. Actually I don't need a 3. but people are confused when you only list 2 things. I guess I will go for a random comment. Well, ducks.

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