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Cube2 Audio Engine Improvement (AEI)

by SolarImpulse on 01/27/2013 01:38, 4 messages, last message: 02/07/2013 17:21, 1171 views, last view: 05/01/2024 03:56

I think that audio coding in Cube2 lags far behind the other sectors of the game. For the moment there is almost no possibility to edit audio, i.e. with scripting. It's a shame because audio is crucial in a player experience.

Ambient sounds are important but I don't think that it's a priority. Weapon sounds are much more important.

First idea: some coding and reflection but almost no performance change.

When you run in Sauer (and if the option if enabled) you will see that the lighting on your hudgun change. It responds to the environment and this is very important for the player experience. It's exactly the same with the sound of the weapon and of the character: if it's always the same (as now) it will sounds always fake. But there is a way to change this, without reducing performance.

Instead of 1 version of each sound I would do 4 or 5 version (maybe more) of the sound with different reverb settings, and finally also a "dry" (without any reverb) version. The computer would simply have to know how much of which sound to play, -depending on the player environment.- The problem is that the computer can't know what the environment is, it would be too complicated to code I guess (I'm a noob at coding). We have to find a way to indicate manually to the computer which sound to play. I could be related to waypoints, or it could maybe be done using entities, even if a spheric form can cause some problems, and a menu with faders for the different reverb settings (for example small wooden room, large hall, outside, dry)...
If this is too complicated it would be nice to have at least the possibility to use the CFG file to choose a "global sound" for the map (to have a different sound in a map with big factory halls or in a map with lot of small rooms). And of course if nothing is written in the cfg there will be default settings.
Second idea: I don't know if this is really possible in Cube2 but for the moment the walls doesn't have any impact on the sound: If a player is shooting just behind a wall the sound is as loud as if there were no wall. It would be really nice if the volume could be reduced by the walls...

Why this thread??

I can do the concept, create the audio files etc. But I can't code and I'm asking for heeeeelp!

And also because I think that audio is important and deserves more attention. If you want to discuss audio in Cube2, this is the thread!

Oh and it's late here, sorry for my english, it's probably very bad at these hours.

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#1: ..

by suicizer01 on 01/27/2013 03:01

What about you first make those audio then we'll see how it actually works out?

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#2: ..

by Q009 on 01/27/2013 06:20

It is possibble and I think the best way to do it is just use material-like volumes.

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#3: Re: ..

by Hansbert on 01/29/2013 13:20, refers to #3

That is some smart way of spamming! Congratz!

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#4: ..

by SolarImpulse on 02/07/2013 17:21

I had exams so I couldn't answer before. I've done a very quick test crossfading the same sound with two different reverb settings, it works quite good I think: http://sd-1.archive-host.com/membres/up/17530524838458898/Test_reverb_shotgun.mp3

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