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how to bypass the master server policy?

by goldenspirit1 on 01/12/2013 00:08, 11 messages, last message: 01/13/2013 08:04, 1037 views, last view: 04/11/2024 01:32

How could i still stay at the master server but disable the auth-key-users?
Is it a possible way in the new collect edition to give everyone admin but not the rights to kick other admins?

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#1: No.

by Skiing_Penguins on 01/12/2013 00:51

No, by placing your server on the master server, you submit to having auth users.

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#2: ..

by goldenspirit1 on 01/12/2013 01:42

Yeah, i know! But what if i give EVERYONE who connects automatically ADMIN! So they have admin and no master (auth user) has can't kick them...
And if they have not the permissions to kick other admins no user can kick another one and to take auth is possible but it has no sense...

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#3: ..

by Zamwa on 01/12/2013 01:50

You can't, there is not a single master server that will give you this permission anywhere! You would have to do everything your self, your own master server, your own server mod will need to be extensive in code! There is a lua coded server to start with, good luck!

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#4: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 01/12/2013 09:22, refers to #2

Then dont give the password to anyone who passes by.

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#5: ..

by Papriko on 01/12/2013 12:29

What happens if you set the adminpass in the server-init.cfg to "1"? Wouldn't that basically give admin to everyone?

Not that it's very clever to give admin to anyone, will create way too much trolling...

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#6: Re: ..

by ultrasemen on 01/12/2013 15:29, refers to #2

Why do you want to give everyone admin? What admin rights do you want to give them exactly? The right to change maps and gamemodes without voting? The right to spec other people? Or what?

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#7: ..

by Zamwa on 01/12/2013 15:34

Giving admin to some noobs is like breeding an uncontrollable ork horde! Sometimes though they make a great soap opera!

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#8: ..

by Papriko on 01/12/2013 22:59

Well, actually once I saw something similar in a forum once. It was an experimental forum where everyone was granted admin rights. The only thing they could not do was taking admin rights of others and muting/banning others.

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#9: ..

by goldenspirit1 on 01/12/2013 23:42

I just want to give everyone admin!
But i would remove all permissions for normal admins to kick / ban / spec players...
Then I would create a login system to give permissions to some users...

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#10: your only choice

by Hirato Kirata on 01/13/2013 07:21

The rule of thumb is, if you prevent an auth user from kicking cheaters and other undesirables, you're breaking the law.

Your only recourse is to run your own masterserver, the source code is included and can be compiled really easily.
And well, let's face it, pretty much no one would end up using it, so happy forever-alone fragging. :P

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#11: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 01/13/2013 08:04, refers to #9

Thats called to be just regular player, as there isn't much left to be master or admin on if you remove the primary options.

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