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November release plans...

by eihrul on 10/30/2012 09:57, 134 messages, last message: 01/05/2013 09:49, 115656 views, last view: 10/13/2024 02:52

So, I'd like to get the party started so we can have a new release out the door by the end of November.

To that end:

Mappers - <emphasis!!!>FINISH YOUR MAPS AND PUT THEM ON QUADROPOLIS A.S.A.P. SO YOU CAN GET FEEDBACK AND FIX PROBLEMS.</emphasis!!!> I don't want to include broken or unfinished maps in the release. So if you have dreams of getting a map in the release, hurry it up.

Brave players - test the SVN stuff (requires compilation). Make sure nothing is horribly broken so that people don't have to experience horrible breakiness have the release.

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#1: ..

by oibaf on 10/30/2012 11:41

Seems to work fine here (r4261 self build, Ubuntu 32 bit, git mesa r300 on RV530, all gfx at best quality settings), thanks!

P.S.: I recently discovered you did some great work on 0 A.D. engine also, thanks again!

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#2: ..

by Honzik1 on 10/30/2012 21:02

Sure, new maps, new grass effects etc, its not what players want.. there aren't significant improvements and you call it new release..

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#3: Re: ..

by eihrul on 10/30/2012 22:45, refers to #2

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

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#4: ..

by Hansbert on 10/31/2012 02:02

Please at least add player radar so that honest players don't have such a big disadvantage. Feel free to add any other of Honzik1's suggestions. Throw in some new maps and you got a winner!

As this is not gonna happen (and I honestly don't have the slightest idea why): I'll have some Gruyere surchoix with my 1997 Saint Emilion :)

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#5: Re: ..

by Minty on 10/31/2012 08:40, refers to #4

Player radar? What? Isn't that already on the mini-map?

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#6: ..

by northstar on 10/31/2012 21:27

thats wonderful... just wonderful (smile)...

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#7: Re: ..

by Hansbert on 10/31/2012 22:00, refers to #5

"Player radar? What? Isn't that already on the mini-map?" See what I'm talking about? Everyone who downloaded the right mod at the right time or maybe even some cheat already has player radar. Give it to the honest players, too!

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#8: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 11/01/2012 00:19, refers to #7

Sigh, not that again.
There *once* was a mod which showed your team-mates on the minimap. However, this mod isn't downloadable anymore, so there's no way to obtain it just like that.
Next to the fact it isn't official downloadable anymore, if admins on certain servers will notice you use the mod (which won't be that hard to track as it had several more cheaty features), you will get kicked from the server (and eventually getting banned when doing it frequently or having an admin which is in a bad mood).

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#9: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 11/01/2012 00:24, refers to #7

Almost forgot to tell; people which managed to obtain the mod probably already deleted it (or even lost it) or just aren't using it for principal reasons (as I do). Some may even be banned on certain servers after using the mod (as you were able to spawn right after dying in team-modes as ctf or capture, this is pretty much noticeable if you spawn right in front of the person which just fragged you).

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#10: ..

by Afro on 11/01/2012 02:15

After messing with the SVN version for about 5 hours today, I think it is basically ready for a release. However I still think that the previous maps still need to be patched up, many glitches... Here's a list of maps with glitches: hog2, oasis, ruby, orbe, corruption, paradigm, phosgene, guacamole, thor, fb_capture, fc3, tempest, c_egypt, venice, core_refuge, river_c, ph-capture, europium and redemption. Also I do have one problem but I believe it's related to my graphics hardware. I have a problem with alpha where if I look at it, the material will flash or blur both with the showmat on or off. But again, probably just a hardware issue. Have a nice day.

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#11: Re: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 11/01/2012 02:25, refers to #10


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#12: ..

by Quin on 11/01/2012 05:25

eihrul: I'm around-ish, just dealing with crap again. If you need anything from me for the release, send me an email and I'll make time for it.

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#13: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 11/01/2012 09:43, refers to #10

Are you talking about actual glitches o just mistakes done by the editors?

Would be nice if you tell what the glitches are.

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#14: ..

by Razgriz on 11/01/2012 10:09

Since he turned down my offer for a checklist, saying the replies here will be enough, here goes.

The minimap bug which causes it to turn white without affecting the blips that occasionally happens after you ALT+TAB out of the game and back in seems to happen to other people as well.

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#15: Re: ..

by Hansbert on 11/01/2012 23:03, refers to #9

Sine you're obviously not up for a glass of wine: Yeah, this one mod we know of was just up for little time and it may be banned on some servers, but
a) Many might have downloaded it
b) Many might have shared it
c) Especially clanmembers might have shared it
d) People probably just take a few bits of the mod and will never be discovered
e) Just have a look at how many play without trees on capture_night
f) Player-radar on minimap doesn't hurt anyone
g) It isn't hard to implement
h) It leads to more teamplay and supposedly more interesting games

End of rant, back to my glass of wine :)

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#16: Re: ..

by Afro on 11/02/2012 01:09, refers to #13

Well some of them have broken clip walls or noclip in a wall, and some of them you can jump in a certain way and get inside the map structure.

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#17: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 11/02/2012 01:42, refers to #15

a) I doubt that, because it was only obtainable for like 2 days at max.
b) Considerable, we can't do much about that anymore.
c) Obviously...
d) If you play ctf and have no timer appearing when being ready to spawn, it's pretty irritating to count to 5 every time you die. So I doubt that actually.
e) I know and if I notice, I will kick the certain player. Why? Because it's violating the mapper's intention.
f) It does hurt someone: the developer, as he has to implement it.
g) I think Eihrul can judge that for himself. Even if it wouldn't be hard to implement, it probably isn't matching his vision for this game.
h) Read g) once more.

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#18: ..

by Honzik1 on 11/02/2012 08:01

g) So many times I have heard from active players that most of my ideas I have offered are good, so I think Eihrul should start listen the others or Sauer will not be much popular. Who is interested in the engine improvements? ..nobody.
Tons of new variables isnt exactly what people call new release.

Me and the others can tell you what would be nice to do but it depends on you if the game changes. As the developer, I would be happy to listen users opinions to help and improve the game, but everytime I visit this forum, I can still see the same three people (Eihrul, suicizer01, Razgriz) saying thats bad, thats senseless or "You can do that on your own"

EXAMPLE of your stupid answers:
Question: why not to allow pasegame for master of server? (not only for admin) Answer: This command can be abused. ...but in fact as you can see, the practical use of kick command clearly shows that the correct use surpasses its abuse.

I see many situations a day when /pausegame command could be used: ringing phone in duel, inactive player in CW, ...everywhere where real life affects the virtual life and this will never stop. Yes, you can restart the game after that situation, but its wasting of OUR TIME!. So many times I have heard: "go on our server please, because here we cannot pausegame". But I know, you will say "bla bla bad idea bla bla can be abused bla bla..."

I could also find a lot of zhe another stupid answers on questions like: why to no add 2+ teams for the Hold mode, Why to not sort maps A-Z, etc..

I see that you have no interest in the advices, you know everything the best. This is and this will be a reflection of the popularity of this game.

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#19: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 11/02/2012 08:15, refers to #18

Honzik, excuse me if i've been mean to you in the past, but being someone who has had his suggestions turned down a few hundred times i think it's suffice to say that you can keep yapping but it's usually falling into deaf ears; unless there's some solid planning behind it.

Passing master on? I personally don't have anything against that idea. Go on.

A multiplayer pausegame? The reason i didn't like the idea is because you suggested it is available to simple masters. Now that local-auths is possible, the active range of that command can span auths and admins, which i think is an improvement.

The point is, as the wiki states, everyone can propose nice things, but how busy eihrul can be with his life and his job, spending time for a free project like this, you'll have to cut him some goddamn slack for not being able to please everyone.

I didn't see you guys rushing to get SVN so you can test it out for bugs and point out things to be improved, no. But WE were on every time, to make sure the shit you'll be playing when it is released would actually -fucking- work. So yes, small things do matter, and if you think gameplay is all that is important in a game and nothing else, then i'm done here. Enjoy your day sir. *cup of tea*

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#20: Re: ..

by Zamwa on 11/02/2012 09:40, refers to #18

Wow lol... your getting carried away with your deep belief! Eihrul hears your prayers and others!Making demands is the worst way to go about it as it kills the very idea your trying to prevent from dying!
You must consider this is a free "source" code meaning mods and forked projects that are welcomely branched out!
I can see your wanting recognition for some ideas well what better place than the everlasting vault that is cubeengine forum!
When I post My ideas it's not directly for the developers of the cube engine, it's to whoever might take interest (even if the odds are crap!) when making a forked project or mod to look at and consider!

Because a idea is only effective as a suggestion.

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