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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Modeling information

by lidra on 08/08/2012 13:13, 9 messages, last message: 09/03/2012 08:35, 1853 views, last view: 05/02/2024 23:57


I'm modeling for a game that uses the cube 2 engine and, since I use Maya, I was wondering how to export working md5 animations to the game.

Do i have to split the model in more files and animate each separately or do I have to do them in a single file and separate during the export process?

Does the format support IK handles and other standard deformers?

I think the topic needs more attention as not everyone uses blender.

Thanks in advance,


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#1: ..

by spiney_. on 08/08/2012 14:14

The preferred format is IQM

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#2: ..

by geartrooper2 on 08/08/2012 14:50

As to whether maya is supported by the iqm exporter yet, I do not know. But in the meantime you do not have to split the files up. IK handles are supported as well as any deformers as only the mesh and bones are exported in the end, lidra. Stay tuned as a person more informed than myself will address the issue of exportation from Maya via IQM, which is a format written by the lead developer, eihrul.

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#3: ..

by eihrul on 08/08/2012 15:23

Splitting up into multiple meshes or one single mesh, it doesn't matter. The code supports linking as many meshes as you want to a skeleton.

And in the end, what features you use in your modeler is irrelevant so long as it just exports to MD5, SMD, or IQM in the end.

At this point in time I would stray away from using MD5. SMD exporters are likely to be better for commercial modeling tools because Valve is still actively using the format. Though either MD5 or SMD can be converted to IQM as well through an external tool in the IQM development kit.

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#4: ..

by lidra on 08/09/2012 10:28

What I meant was, can I animate the model in a single file (do all the animations, running, walking, sneaking) and then separate the animations at the end?

I used to work with the ogre engine and the animation management was quite different as for the md5 there's one .md5anim file for each animation.

The smd exporter for maya was a pain in the ass to use, but I may try it down with the new version of the source sdk.

Last question, is it possible, in a remote future, that tesseract will support unreal engine 3 models?

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#5: Re: ..

by geartrooper2 on 08/09/2012 16:53, refers to #4

That was the format for md2, stacking all the animations. I would be willing to guess that in Maya you can do each anim separately and export thus. Which is what must be done. I think in the md5 exporter you can select frames to export but then you would have to convert to iqm. I don't believe sauer supports FBX.

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#6: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 08/09/2012 17:21, refers to #3


What´s the problem with the md5-format compared to smd (or even iqm) then?

I get the fact it sometimes is a pain in the ass to find out what frame is for what animation back in .md2 and .md3 format, but it is a pretty simple system and pretty easy to "recycle" several frames (as for dying-dead animation for example).

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#7: Re: ..

by eihrul on 08/09/2012 17:55, refers to #6

MD5 is poorly supported and no vertex normals even in the best case.

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#8: Re: ..

by geartrooper2 on 08/10/2012 15:17, refers to #6

Suicizer it isn't any easier, it just was frequently used. Now it is as simple as copy paste to reproduce animation frames.

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#9: Re: ..

by cdxbow on 09/03/2012 08:35, refers to #1

"Do i have to split the model in more files and animate each separately or do I have to do them in a single file and separate during the export process?"

- whatever provides the easiest work flow, you need to end up with a bunch of animation files & a mesh.

"Does the format support IK handles and other standard deformers?"

- No, I don't think so.

"I think the topic needs more attention as not everyone uses blender."

- Yes. Models and the cube engine are often difficult, and Blender is a pain in the arse (ass for US citizens). I certainly could do with some help!

MD5 have a few other limitations; no than 4 blend weights are used per vertex and you are best to have less than 70 bones to benefit from GPU acceleration.

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