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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

udp connect to cube server?

by ex0 on 01/07/2004 15:34, 1 messages, last message: 01/08/2004 01:44, 975 views, last view: 04/10/2024 16:29

i want to write a php-script to display my cube-server-status on my homepage. But what must i send to port 28766? Which command can i send?

Does it function at all? I hope someone can help me.


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#1: You want your own masterserver?

by D.plomat on 01/08/2004 01:44

If you look at the code, you'll see the exchanges (in HTTP) between a Cube server and the masterserver, this way you can easily make a PHP script that uses the same interface. This way you have the same info as the masterserver.

But as official binarie's protocol isn't open, you won't be able to have detailed info on the names of players, frags etc.

If you really want it for a private server, you can compile Cube from source and then make a C++ program (let's say in a CGI) which includes some cube source files and uses some of Cube functions to get this information, this shouldn't be too hard (but very time-consuming), but players will need to use the binaries you compiled to connect to your server, not the official ones.

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