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Mouse rate vs game fps

by Honzik1 on 01/14/2012 17:59, 50 messages, last message: 04/20/2012 21:14, 17877 views, last view: 05/18/2024 17:25

I have a problem. When I set the maxfps to 180, 240 or 300, my mouse still lags sometimes. Mouse feels like it change sensitivity during that lags but the fps indicator shows still a max value. I have tested 2 different mouses.

For many games is 40 fps (or vsync on) enought for confortable playing. Then mouse rate is normal and moves feels not delayed. Why it is not same in Sauer? For Vsync ON I see that mouse moves are also delayed.

For Sauer fps = mouse rate?

Thanks for answer!

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#1: ..

by saper on 01/14/2012 18:26

I have same issue on Linux while Honzik is using Windows.

1. You should set maxfps as high as possible otherwise you will get this mouse movement->screen reaction lag.
2. You shall never set Vsync ON otherwise this bug will be very very visible.

I use 64bit OpenSuSE 12.1 Linux with default kernel and latest nVidia drivers. BTW This bug exists for years.

I hope it is not something in SDL code and it can be fixed by Sauerbraten team.

I agree that it may impact not everybody for "professional" players it is real pain.

With kind regards, |RB|saper

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#2: ..

by saper on 01/14/2012 18:27

I agree that it may impact not everybody _BUT_ for "professional" players it is real pain

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#3: ..

by Honzik1 on 01/14/2012 18:42

Well, I dont feel as professional but mouse package slogans say so :)

So if I understand right, then my gaming mouse with 1000Hz rate is senseless when I have not 1000fps in game? Isnt it stupid? I am notebook user and I am not going to buy best notebook of these days just for the max mouse response precision.

People often buy a monitor with just 2ms response, but the mouse seems be the bigger problem especially if you dont have a performance GPU which produce 1000fps.

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#4: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 01/14/2012 20:02, refers to #3

It's what you call professional.
A real pro should be able to be the winner of the day, even with the most crappiest settings...

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#5: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 01/14/2012 20:14, refers to #3

I personally have found out this problem already very long time ago either and I doubt it's fixable (except if you would go ask with some puppy-eyes to eihrul if he can fix it).
Ever heard of "mouseaccel"? It's a feature which probably started at one of the quake series and actually isn't very usefull in Sauerbraten (as for example, it can be usefull when performing trickjumps on Quake3 but can only make you turn faster, even bot-like on Sauerbraten).

Again, this is just another thing which you should get used to...

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#6: Re: ..

by tempest on 01/14/2012 21:58, refers to #3

"So if I understand right, then my gaming mouse with 1000Hz rate is senseless when I have not 1000fps in game?"
No. The "1000Hz rate" is the sampling rate, i.e. how often it checks for movement. That just means that the mouse is able to determine its movement speed more exactly and more promptly. How much of a difference that actually makes... well, at least it's an opportunity for the marketing guys.

As for the actual problem, I doubt it's an issue within Sauer. I'd rather guess it has something to do with SDL not working too well with the mouse driver, or things like that. Do you have the same problem if you play with an ordinary mouse?

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#7: ..

by Honzik1 on 01/14/2012 22:42

"Do you have the same problem if you play with an ordinary mouse?"
I havent ordinary mouse for the long time , if I will find some, I will test it. But I already tested 2 mices. Is there also problem at you? ...I mean: Does your mouse sampling rate respond to the fps in the game? I asked also players in my clan and they confirm it...

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#8: Re: ..

by tempest on 01/14/2012 22:56, refers to #7

I don't have this myself (neither on Linux nor on Windows), using a crappy standard mouse with the respective OS's default drivers. I think I know that problem though, but in those cases it was always a problem with some specific game, and it usually affected all input, not just mouse.
Just to make sure I actually understood your problem: in those situations, when you move the mouse, it seemingly takes some time for the game to react, right?

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#9: Re: ..

by 7th on 01/15/2012 13:41, refers to #8

"Just to make sure I actually understood your problem: in those situations, when you move the mouse, it seemingly takes some time for the game to react, right?"

If you twitch and shoot, the shots are more based on how you time them than how you aim. Over time you notice how a lower fps makes fast moves reduce your accuracy.

"hardware mouse" for some games comes up in my head... I'll google some.

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#10: Re: ..

by 7th on 01/15/2012 13:52, refers to #9

nvm "hardware mouse pointer acceleration", it has nothing to do with this issue.

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#11: ..

by Drekow on 01/17/2012 21:01

I have got a "similar" problem that solved using less polling rate.

instead of 1000hz putting 125hz

The mouse fell the same to me.

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#12: ..

by Honzik1 on 01/17/2012 21:48

"problem that solved using less polling rate." But problem is not solved. You dont need gaming mouse then.

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#13: ..

by Drekow on 01/19/2012 21:44

If you have a nvidia you can see if putting thread optimization off help to solve the mouse lag problem.

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#14: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 01/19/2012 22:40, refers to #13

4000 Yesterday 04:12 am eihrul : mouse warping cleanups

you guys will sleep easy now knowing that the mouse problems have been rectified it the SVN. so hang in there.

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#15: ..

by Honzik1 on 01/19/2012 22:49

I found this:

Wiki say: Input lag is with Vsync normal....

For limited FPS I see small screen tearing, you too?

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#16: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 01/19/2012 23:46, refers to #15

So... what do you want?
1. Putting vsync on, which makes you having no screen tearing and looking damn great (and is automaticly capped to 60fps)?
2. Putting vsync off, which makes you have less to no lag in framerate (and having a capped framerate of 1000)?

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#17: ..

by Honzik1 on 01/20/2012 07:14

"So... what do you want?"
I want no screen tearing for /maxfps 180 ...its all. Now I have to use maxfps 1000 so I see no mouse tearing and no input lag BUT my notebook is pretty noisy now.

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#18: ..

by Honzik1 on 01/20/2012 07:15

*CORRECT: "...no screen tearing and no input lag..."

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#19: Re: ..

by Q009 on 01/20/2012 08:45, refers to #18

Easy. Get 180Hz screen. You'll have no tearing and no input lag :P

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#20: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 01/20/2012 10:06, refers to #18

As most current issues which have been discussed on here, just get used to it (or buy a 180Hz screen as Q009 stated).
I'm playing with 200fps, vsync off and I actually have no problems with experiencing screen tearing, no matter how fast I move my mouse.
I don't know why I don't get it though (but as long as I'm not getting it, I'm happy ^^).

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