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Some ideas for next Sauerbraten update

by LawlDude on 12/21/2011 16:07, 10 messages, last message: 12/22/2011 12:33, 1601 views, last view: 05/02/2024 09:43

I just write here some idea for Sauerbraten :P

New mode, Elimination (?):
Elimination (?): Blue vs red, once you are dead, you will not respawn, but you will be spectating until the end of the round.

When you are dead, you have to press the left mouse button, or the space bar. Once you pressed one of them, you will be spectating ONLY your killer for 4/5 seconds, then you will respawn.

Spectator mode improvement:
When you spectate someone, it would be more cool if you could spectate him/her
in the all directions, basically, the camera still rotate when you move the mouse, but only when you\'re spectating in 3rd person.

\'Server\' creation system improvment:
I think maybe you could add some improvment to the server creation. For example, a button called \'Create server\' then you can choose any server rule (max players, max spectators, map rotation). All in game :3.

That\'s all, sorry for the long post.

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#1: ..

by Papriko on 12/21/2011 16:50

At first: http://cubeengine.com/forum.php4?action=display_thread&thread_id=2509

Elimination: I posted a similar idea in past. The answer: it already existed and it got used. When a guy wanted a server alone he took master and ganged up with some people. He and his gang killed everyone else, afterwards the gang camped and did nothing until the match ends. This got repeated till the others are bored and/or pissed off and leave the server.

FragCam: Interesting thing. Not sure if it is good or bad, I won't say anything about it.

Spectator Mode Improvements: /thirdperson 2

Server creation system improvement: in my opinion the server-init.cfg isn't that hard to read or edit. If you still have problems, look up one of the many server mods, such as xsbs, hopmod, frogmod, simpleserv, suckerserv and however they are all called.

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#2: Re: ..

by LawlDude on 12/21/2011 17:03, refers to #1

First off, Elimination mode shouldn\'t be a problem since once you killed all the enemy team people, a new round starts.
And the for the Spectator mode, yes, thanks for the /thirdperson 2, but it should be set on default, when you just hit the Spectator button. Same thing for the server creation, just to make the game more based on the game itself, I think it\'s cool to create a server on the game and set all the things in game, just more fast.

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#3: Re: ..

by Papriko on 12/21/2011 17:12, refers to #2

Still would work fine. Then you simply look which of the enemy team is the most noobish and least likely to win the round alone and let only him remain. This way it still makes a simple way to clear servers.

For the server setup itself: I guess it's already possible to create such a GUI with cube script, at last for listen servers. I don't want to explain it all on my own, so I just do it as always and paste a link: http://sauerbraten.org/docs/config.html

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#4: Re: ..

by LawlDude on 12/21/2011 17:17, refers to #3

I won\'t go against you, because you\'re right. But I think it will happen 10 times on 100. There are a lot of people who just want to play, cause I\'ve seen games abused a lot more than Sauerbraten, and I don\'t think Elimination mode will be filled with those kind of people.

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#5: Re: ..

by Papriko on 12/21/2011 17:54, refers to #4

Well, I just repeat what I got told for an idea very similar to Elimination.

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#6: Re: ..

by Sub-Zero on 12/21/2011 20:27, refers to #5

fragcam? just like every other generic shooter around?

its easiest to make the server set ups out side of the game, since in most cases you have to open ports and stuff anyways.

new mode? yes, that would be quite easy to make, since we already have a mode that holds you back from spawning for five seconds, i assume it could be done rather fast. but i never expect anyone to do work for me.

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#7: Investigate first mate

by suicizer01 on 12/21/2011 20:54

To answer this topic;

About Elimination;
Elimination already existed as it was called "tactics arena" and just like Papriko stated, there were players which were abusing the gamemode.
This could be prevented by setting a timer how long each round will take (like a minute for example), but somehow that never got through.
This mode has been discontinued as (at least some of) the programmers were thinking the mode wasn't played often.

About killcam;
There already is a mod which has a fragcam, which is downloadable just right under this line of text;

About spectating;
If your spectating someone while your in thirdperson 2, you will be able to rotate around the other player...

About serversettings;
There are some mods around which have that option. I won't send you a link for that, as it's pretty noticable you haven't putted much effort in investigating those things.

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#8: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 12/21/2011 20:59, refers to #2

Thirdperson 2 isn't set as default because Sauerbraten once (and is again) contained the RPG mod Eisenstern default at setup.

I doubt it will be set to default as it's very simple to press "thirdperson 2" in your console line.
So stop being lazy and by the way, learn some more mathematics man, you fail in every post you add on topics.

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#9: ..

by LawlDude on 12/22/2011 00:35

@Suicizer This isn\'t LAZZINESS, these are just some idea to make the server creation more based on the game. And the spectator more \'normal\'. And about mathematics, I won\'t surely do my better to write some freaking line of spectating mode or some other kind of strange thing on this game.

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#10: Re: ..

by suicizer01 on 12/22/2011 12:33, refers to #9

Well, you apparently haven't investigated the "thirdperson" command properly, else you would have found out.

About the mathematics,
I was actually talking about the match-question which should prevents advertisement bots of spamming around.
It looks like your having trouble with answering it, so I'll show you one example.

2 plus 1 = 3

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