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Six (prototypes of) modes i would like to see in next relase

by Drekow on 10/12/2011 02:01, 4 messages, last message: 10/14/2011 01:33, 2492 views, last view: 05/04/2024 01:14

Some modes, nothing really new, all names are made from fantasy, and all value presented are temporary and need to be playtest. To keep it simple now I will post only the strict rules i would like to see. Not options, variables or fork, which can be derive from any mode. In a later post I will explain better why this modes are so awesome and some basic difference we can do. But now read, comments and criticize my little toughs.

as ogros have made. Is a great mode in 1vs1 or 2vs2 and on arena maps.
Of course, we need that maps for the mode.
If it will be implement I will try to make some small maps for it.

as UT3 one.
It use CTF maps and team starts. Is a 2 teams game.
Each player spawn with one skull(or point), when fragged players drops all the skull(or points) they have on the grounds. Players can pick the skulls on the grounds which are added to the ones they are carrying.
A player need to touch the enemy base (where the flag ent is) to score as much points as many skull he is carrying. When a player score he got instantly respawned at home.
Is a 10min game or when a side made 100? points.
It can be played also in effic or insta.

as Sauerbraten Capture The Flag, but players spawn with 2 random weapons.
Optionally, to made it more fancy, in the map can spawn also 2 bases at random (or a base at the centre): if a team have a base he spawn with also that weapon, or additonal ammo is the two bases are the same.

as UT99 one.
It use Capture maps. Is a 2 or more teams game.
In the maps there are ammos, healths, armours and powerups.
Players spawn whit blue armour, pistol an 2 weapons picked random from:
10shells, 10bullets, 5rockets, 5riflerounds, 10grenades.
A team need to control bases to score points, a base score 1 points for each sec it is controlled, when times end the team whit more points win.
To capture a base, simply touch it.
Is a 10min game.

“Double Control”:
It use CTF maps and FFA starts. Is a 2 teams game.
In the maps there are 2 flags (or control points) not owned by any team. If a player touch a flag it become of is team. Flags cannot be moved. If a team have both flags it starts a contdown, if they both remain untouched for 10? seconds the team score 1 points.
It can be played also in effic or insta.

like in quake. Is a mayor mode as FFA, Effic, or Insta.
When a player change weapon he does not have to wait for the reload of any other weapons he was using. Cause this way some weapons became stronger (the rifle) is suggest to change them only for this mode to something similar to...
weapon attackdelay damage projspeed
shotgun 1100 * * faster reload time, same kick of the rifle
chaingun * * * nothing to change
rocket * 100 90 a bit less damage, but faster
rifle * 75 * less damage
grenades * * * nothing to change
pistol * * * same range of rifle, would be enough.

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#1: Those modes...

by suicizer01 on 10/12/2011 09:26

Where's the explanation of your mode so called "arenas"?
Seems like deatmatch at the moment.

Greed has already been asked in the past by someone else.

TacCTF isn't a bad idea, but then you will have just another extension of CTF, which there are plenty of already.

Domination sounds exactly the same as the original capture, only it has some more ffa feeling because of the ammo which spawns around the map, not at the bases.

Double Control is also just capture, but with 2 bases instead of several, go map it mate.

PROmode already exists in Sauerbraten, it's called ffa, efficiency or insta (inclusive all team-based variants).
Sauerbraten isn't having a huge weapon reload delay already, why you need even less skilfulness spamming?
In teamplay, the rifle already takes 75 damage when hit (as far as I remember).

All those modes actually seems pretty useless to me...

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#2: Re: Those modes...

by Razgriz on 10/12/2011 11:16, refers to #1

Greed from a reply of mine on quadro, 1.5 years ago:

"This is like Rush Hour: Gold Hunt kind of gameplay, and i don't think collecting random laying about the map coins will be pretty interesting. On the other hand, Skull Greed can actually be both team and non-team now that i think of it.

In non team you can frag someone, but have to go at the place you fragged him to pick up his skull. One can steal the skull from his body if you are too late. you add the skull to your score once you pick it up. teamkills remove a point from your score and you drop a skull that you cannot pick up. if you die after that you still drop the default skull.
In team you can frag an enemy and have him drop all the skulls he carries, including his own. If one teamkills, he loses all the skulls in his possession and cannot pick them up to remove them from the field. only the one who got fragged can pick them up and add them to his own until they are either gathered by the enemy or a teammate clears them from the field. Both teams must deposit skulls to their flags to earn points for their teams."

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#3: Nice ideas, but

by Zorg on 10/12/2011 13:36

While these are some pretty nice ideas, I agree with suicizer.

I'd just liek to add a few things:

Double Control: Imagine how gameplay would be clustered around these 2 bases. It would be a mess.

Greed starts to sound more and more like a good idea to me. If it is played all-vs-all, it might provide some intense gameplay with lots of close-combat. No use for long-distance frags or camping, that's why I like the idea. If its played in teams though I'm afraid it might end up in one or 2 players camping and the others collecting (ok for clanwars, for public games... not so much). This could maybe be prevented if each player was only allowed to pick up 1 (one) scull from his teammate's several hits. On the other hand, I suppose this would make the mode too complicated. Anyways, all-vs-all might really be fun!

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#4: ..

by Drekow on 10/14/2011 01:33

For explanation of arena mode looks here: http://ogros.org/news/34-clan-news/199-the-team-with-the-last-man-standing-scores.html

I can't stop to ask for greed cause it is a great new mode, using mixed gameplay from teamplay and CTF. Some issue about it:
To score you have to go to the enemy base (where is the flag), then you got respawned at home.
If you teamkill, I think the team lose 1 points and the teamkilled does not drop is own skull; but drop all the others he is carrying. Also if you suicide you does not drop your own skull.
It would be nice if skull can be dropped in random direction and in a wide area. Sometimes they fall away from map. They stay on the gameplay for ten seconds then disappear.
Optionally, to give longevity and a mode in a mode (read: to make developers life harder), if the picked map does not have flags, but bases, one random base became the base were all teams have to score...

There are plenty extension of CTF, and they are played. Is better to have one more mode than one less I suppose. TacCTF is a mix of CTF and eCTF, from what I have asked it can be nice to play.

Domination should be faster than capture, cause you have simply to touch bases for capture them, at the same level you have to control ammo and powerups.

“Double Control” is interesting in 4vs4 cw, you have to teamplay to keep the control point clean and subdivide task (who pick quad, who YA, which control point you have to go).
For the map is another question, reissen can have a strange gameplay, and the big maps can have some problems with spawn, that can be too far from a control point (but too near is wrost I suppose). I can be a mess online on public server, but public server are 75% instaCTF and 25% regencapture so don't be afraid.

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