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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

remod server-init.cfg

by SirYlj on 07/24/2011 06:51, 1 messages, last message: 07/24/2011 16:16, 1216 views, last view: 04/29/2024 20:26

This is a question, and I know that there is a General Thread for questions, but I thought that I might get a better response by posting a thread.

Anyways, I've spent while doing trial and error using different server mods, and I've started using remod.

For the last server mod I tried, I was able to set up the server-init.cfg using a video. However, I have not been able to find one for remod yet.

If someone could explain parts of the file setup, or if they could even copy/paste their setup (excluding, of course, admin pass, etc) so I could compare it, it would be very appreciated.

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#1: ..

by degrave3 on 07/24/2011 16:16

In remod binary package https://code.google.com/p/remod-sauerbraten/downloads/list already included server-init.cfg which is main configuration file, open it in text editor and change what you want, remod specific settings have comments what they control. There also some scripts that can be configured only by change their sources all that scripts located in scripts/other/. You can ask me more questions in IRC.

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