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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Hold mode for multiple teams

by Honzik1 on 06/28/2011 15:35, 5 messages, last message: 07/02/2011 15:49, 932 views, last view: 04/22/2024 06:38

Why there is Hold mode just for 2 teams? It would be more funny with more teams like Capture. Any idea?

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#1: ..

by Drekow on 06/30/2011 20:15

I thik cause hold come from ctf so it support only good and evil.

I also think that having more than 2 teams support is a great idea.

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#2: ..

by HeWhoPwnsYou on 07/01/2011 02:48

This isnt quite directly related but i would love to play CTF with 3 teams. It might not work well, but i think it would be fun.

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#3: Re: ..

by TheLove on 07/01/2011 16:02, refers to #2

nice idea, like flag (a) (b)

flag (a) changes his place after every score and flag (b) have 1 place

so people with lets say 4 teams fight to get flag (a) and protect it to score in flag (b)

but again, will not be so popular.

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#4: Re: ..

by Drekow on 07/01/2011 20:03, refers to #3

to remain OT , and just to warding, something like this:

N teams (2-4 seems better)

2 flags, A spawn in the flag start (good or evil); B spawn in a base start (but it shouldent be too near to the flag...).

One team (randomly chosen???) have to defend the A flag, for a fixed amount of time (1min-2min????), they respanw in team starts. They can have some kind of bonus??!??

The others teams which are one against others have to pick the A flag (hold like) and score to B.

The defending team can pick the B flag and score in A. IF they drop the flag it reset to a random base.

If nobody score till the end of time the defending team is consider successfull and it score.

The team who score became the defending one... not sure about this...???

When a team reach 5(???) points it will be consider the winner of the map.

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#5: Re: ..

by axle on 07/02/2011 15:49, refers to #4

Drekow, what exactly want to tell us? :P

I think you mean something like a mix of hold and ctf with 2-4 teams, the team that has the flag has to bring it to another flag to score. On symetrical CTF maps these two flags could spawn at two capture bases which are symetrical, so you have to get the flag through the middle of the map. Let's say we got 2 teams G and E, and we have two flags, 1 and 2:
- 1 and 2 spawn
- G steals 1, while E steals 2 (completely random, they just spawned nearer or something)
- to score, team G has to bring 1 to the place where 2 spawned, and return 2 to that place, too, like in ctf. For team E it's just the same except for the other flag.

This something like ctf without steady bases, players spawn randomly on the map, or maybe hold-like near their own flag, if their team has one atm. It would allow multiple teams, while still only having 2 flags to take care of.

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