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Sauerbraten trailer video contest

by eihrul on 06/03/2011 14:06, 92 messages, last message: 11/08/2011 21:01, 67430 views, last view: 04/19/2024 18:57

So, I would like to hold a contest for a cool new Sauerbraten trailer video. The winner gets their video placed on the sauerbraten.org site for all to see. I am the final judge. The rules the videos must satisfy to win:

1) No content mods (bright skins, weapon mods, etc.). Must use all default Sauerbraten content.
2) Must use shaders with sane, good-looking default settings.
3) Must show both fun gameplay action shots, as well as some basic editing shots.
4) Avoid any extensive text or subtitling. Let the visuals speak for themselves and keep the pacing of the video quick. There shouldn't be a need to show more than the game's title and a link to the website. Don't bore the viewer.
5) Avoid any copyright-troubled music. Preferably use Sauer's in-game music, or Creative Commons licensed music.
6) Entries should be posted on youtube and linked here.

Seriously, our trailer video is in need of a major upgrade, and help producing this would be majorly appreciated and help Sauer's longevity and player population. So if you want to help out, have at it!

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#1: ..

by Razgriz on 06/03/2011 15:09

good looking default settings? nah. let there be max quality, show them what the engine can do.

What about fragments taken from non default maps however? are those allowed?

This script i made might be useful for anyone planning to try this opportunity out: http://www.quadropolis.us/node/2864

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#2: ..

by cmCooper on 06/03/2011 18:51

I will try my best to create a video =D

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#3: Re: ..

by eihrul on 06/03/2011 19:38, refers to #1

The key word is tasteful. Like, avoid "blinding" bloom settings and such things. :)

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#4: Re: ..

by eihrul on 06/03/2011 20:21, refers to #1

I think that the risk is that if you use non-default maps, they are not likely to agree with my map selection criteria, so it is safer to use ones that are release quality.

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#5: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 06/03/2011 21:11, refers to #4

There are also several maps of adequate quality that could be used, not everything is as bad as you make it look.

Also, either the forum was updated, or something fucked up because the colors of the text on the grey bars has changed.

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#6: ok

by TheLove on 06/03/2011 21:25, refers to #5

I would like to try, back in 1 week from now

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#7: ..

by cmCooper on 06/04/2011 03:26

The easy to use editor of Sauerbraten would attract a lot of people. I think it's unavoidable to show non-release maps if the trailer should really show the big variety of possibilities.

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#8: Re: ..

by Zorg on 06/04/2011 10:25, refers to #7

This is probably too late for this video, but maybe might be an idea for the next one: A time-lapse editing sequence, similar to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ9nIafnnm8

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#9: ..

by fispaul on 06/04/2011 10:27

How long does this contest last? The thing is I have exams right now and I'm also moving quite soon, but I would be interested in making such a trailer.

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#10: Re: ..

by eihrul on 06/04/2011 12:42, refers to #9

However long it takes someone to make a front-page worthy video. :)

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#11: ..

by fispaul on 06/05/2011 12:11

Once I finish the exams I will at least TRY to make a trailer. But shouldn't the screenshots be updated as well, along with the trailer?

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#12: Re: ..

by eihrul on 06/05/2011 13:13, refers to #11

One problem at a time. I am not concerned about them till the trailer is replaced. No point in distracting peoples' efforts away from more pressing issues.

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#13: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 06/05/2011 13:55, refers to #12

Oh, right. I was supposed to take new pictures of various maps, i had even setup new sharper lights to make for better shadows at big maps. I had like.. 24 of them ready, downscaled to 1024x768 (because anti-aliasing doesn't work on ATI cards). I'll probably update the svn again sometime later and make a new repository up on picasa.

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#14: trying..

by suicizer01 on 06/05/2011 15:28

I would like to try, but do you have any recommented set up for creating such vid?

- What programs to edit frames/.flv-files?

Are older frames of older releases allowed?

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#15: Re: trying..

by eihrul on 06/05/2011 18:15, refers to #14

No stuff from old releases. The point is to show the current state of the game as the players will see it once they download it.

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#16: Re: trying..

by suicizer01 on 06/06/2011 01:11, refers to #15

So actually, your going to ask to make a trailer of sauerbraten every time a release (wich doesn't has big graphic changes) comes out?

I'm fine to that, just wondering :P.

Can I still ask wich program you (would) use for it (and is easy to use for vid-edit-newbies)?

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#17: Re: trying..

by Razgriz on 06/06/2011 09:25, refers to #16

Well.. you can check gizmo's freeware list to find tools for recording and video/audio editing for the trailer.

Here's the link:

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#18: ..

by suicizer01 on 06/06/2011 13:58

I always had problems with adding a vid to youtube (still wondering how again -.-)...

Any suggestions how?

Just for sure,

It is allowed to change settings wich are included in the default current (and SVN) version of sauerbraten?

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#19: beast's video

by b3ast on 06/06/2011 23:50


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#20: Re: beast's video

by suicizer01 on 06/07/2011 08:19, refers to #19

Could be in a better quality to me...

What about 1080p?

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