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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

How are decals applied?

by Meigus on 06/01/2011 21:27, 3 messages, last message: 06/07/2011 21:17, 972 views, last view: 04/28/2024 10:31

I'm trying to work on an engine mod, and it requires making new decals. Hard as I've tried, I can't seem to get the decals to change.

I did alot of duplication of the original decal code and other things, but when that didn't work, I simply tried changing the rifle to give off a scorch mark instead of a bullet hole, and it still didn't take. (I compiled using Code::Blocks 10.50 I think).

No errors were given on start-up, and I tried changing the adddecal function, I tried changing it's arguments, but no matter what, it didn't want to take.

I noticed the decals were added in the second most recent release, could it be the decal stuff wasn't properly switched over? I honestly have no idea where to look next.

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#1: ..

by tempest on 06/01/2011 22:52

weapon.cpp, line 648 (or near that, I looked in SVN), change DECAL_BULLET to DECAL_SCORCH? (provided you didn't break anything)

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#2: Re: ..

by Meigus on 06/07/2011 20:46, refers to #1

That was exactly what I did, after my alternate decal path didn't work. Not to sound like a dick, but I said that in the second paragraph.

Nothing is broken, it compiles 100% with no errors or warnings on all the tries to get the decals changed. I even tried a recent SVN, which gave me some glitch about missing ")" in one of the files after I may have made a typo, but downloading the svn again later didn't help the decal change, nor did working on the src included in the latest Sauer. I've downloaded Platinum Arts Sandbox or w/e, but I haven't had much time to check their decal stuff.

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#3: Re: ..

by tempest on 06/07/2011 21:17, refers to #2

I hope you made sure you actually run the binary you compiled, not the default one? Just asking.

Other than that, I have no idea why it doesn't work.

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